
I have a quite complex site organised into a series of subdirectories, all
referrencing one single include directory, specified by a global variable
required on each page. This file has sym links to all the directories, and
I've done a test output so that is not the cause of the problem.

What I'm trying to do is this, put a .htaccess over the whole lot so that
only users who are part of the pilot can get in.The site already uses
authentication for certain areas, and since this is a pilot I don't want
to put any code in just for that, a .htaccess should be able to do
everthing I want in theory.

my include line loks like this


however when I create the .htaccess file (see below) then the page fails
to include the file and prints the following error message

Warning: Failed opening 'http://www.mydomain.com/pilot/include/header.inc'
for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/sites/site4/web/pilot/index.php
on line 7

and then loads the rest of the page.

The .htaccess file I've been using is as follows.

Authname pilot
Authtype Basic
order allow,deny
allow from all
require group site4

I'm not very comfortable wit h.htaccess, not something I've used very
much. I am fairly sure that it isn't the last line....the exact same file
worked fine doing, say phpMyAdmin, with the only difference being that
phpMyAdmin has all its files in one directory.

I hope this email makes sense+please help!!

Eternally grateful

Tom Carter
Web Architect
roundcorners ltd.

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