OK I have a problem with a script that is occasionally timing out. Of course
I could just increase the timeout but that is not the answer completly. The
script connects to a server through sockets. The server then connects to
another server to do a credit card authorisation. The server then returns to
the script some information after the authorisation. The script then logs
the result in a db and formats the result on a web page to the user.

What I have noticed is that the script is timing out after it is logging in
the database for no apparent reason. So what I would like to do is instead
of the script dieing on timeout for it to go and do something else. Ideally
it will redirect to another php script which will check for the entry in the
database. Can this be done? Any pointers?



Jon Farmer
Systems Programmer, Entanet www.enta.net
Tel 01952 428969 Mob 07763 620378
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