
in my web application (as quite all web applications) i have a lot of
tables. I mean by table the <table> tag with for sure some data displayed in
it from SQL requests.
To not have to write the whole code every time i was thinking to make a
class that :
- will manage the whole design (color, images, width, height of cells,...)
- will manage the paging (to limit the data transfer from DB server to
client browser)
- will manage the sorting and search (classic and advanced) of data based on
some online built query (user should be able to do something like field1 =
value 1 OR field 1 = value2 AND field4 = "a")

therefore i would like to know if to encapsulate everything in PHP classes
(integrating javascript and css) will be the best approach or not ?
because i would like to keep it as simple as possible in order to
redistribute later this package.

or should i mix javascript "classes" and PHP classes ?


Windows XP SP3
PostgreSQL 8.2.4 / MS SQL server 2005
Apache 2.2.4
PHP 5.2.4
C# 2005-2008

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