
I have written a "Permission Converter" which converts unix permissions (the
ones we know from CHMOD) into a "-" delimited string of numbers. I also made
it that it supports one more level (unix only has 3 different types of
permissions, (r,w,x) while mine can handle a fourth one. Since I'm just a
newbie to PHP, I was wondering whether there is a shorter way of achieving
the same thing. Here is my code:

// $num is the number (range: 1-15)
$done = "";
$result = "";

while ($done != 1) {

if ($num > 8) {
  $num = $num - 8;
  $result = "8-";
} elseif ($num == 8) {
  $result = 8;
  $done = 1;
} elseif ($num > 4) {
  $num = $num - 4;
  $result .= "4-";
} elseif ($num == 4) {
  $result .= 4;
  $done = 1;
} elseif ($num > 2) {
  $result .= "2-1";
  $done = 1;
} elseif ($num == 2) {
  $result .= "2-";
  $done = 1;
} else {
  $result .= "1";
  $done = 1;


if ((strrpos($result, "-") == strlen($result)-1) && strlen($result) > 1) {
$result = strrev($result);
$result = substr($result, 1);
$result = strrev($result);

echo $result;



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