I'm getting this:  "Warning:  error opening in /path/to/file.php on line 32"

Here's what I want to do, maybe I'm approaching it incorrectly?  I need to
collect multiple files via a form and upload them via FTP (can't use HTTP
because I'm uploading to a different server).  I collect them just fine, but
my process script connects, changes directories, makes a new directory  to
insert the files into and changes to that new directory, but it fails on the
ftp_put() call.  Here is the code.  I've also tried to simplify it to just
one file with no success.  I think I'm just missing something about the
ftp_put function.

for ($i=1; $i<=$num_spots; $i++) {
    $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, "$new_file[$i]", "$new_file[$i]",
    if (!$upload) 
        echo "FTP upload for '$new_title[$i]' has failed!<BR>";
        echo "Uploaded '$new_title[$i]' to '$__ftphost__' as

Thanks for your help.
David Minor

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