(Sorry for disturb you if this kind of message posted earlier.
but I can't find answers on mailint list archive)

Hello, there!

I'm developing web service.
There are several web servers for one Service.
(Linux virtual server manages load banlance)

Php's original session handling function save session information on Hard disk.
So, To share Session file, each web server mount NFS partition and
set "session.save_path" to NFS partition.

But, I wonder that this way solves Session Sync. and Performance even if
there are so many sessions.

I found another session handler "Mohawk Software session handler"

Manual says :
    "msession is an interface to a high speed session daemon which can run
either locally or remotely.
    It is designed to provide consistent session management for a PHP web farm."

Um. but if session server goes down, the entire service will be stop.
And manual has a insufficent information about msession api.
I don't know how to use msession api exactly ;-(

Do you have any suggestion?

Php's Session handler with NFS or msession?

Is there somebody who work with any of two?

Thank you for advanced answer!

Heo, Jungsu Mr.

SimpleX Internet. http://www.simplexi.com

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