---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Randall Girard <randallgir...@hotmail.com>
Date: 2009/12/14
Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: ErrorException and set_exception_handler()
To: rquadl...@googlemail.com

I understood exactly what was going on in the code! (I'm no fool when
it comes to this) I just thought (logically) that if the ERROR_HANDLER
forces you to end the script when necessary, that the
EXCEPTION_HANDLER would have a similar function... Rather, there is
not a way at all to continue execution. Now that I contemplate this
further, I think I prefer this anyway as I would NOT want errors
firing for ANY reason on a production website! Additionally when one
error happens it often triggers a number of errors (if execution
continues) and when logging of course they are all logged. I would
rather have just the one backtraced error log, and so forth.

Thank you for your help however! It is much appreciated.

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