> I have a client who insists on using PHP and an Access database.  He
> describes a problem with the access databases becoming locked when a
> clicks 'stop' in their browser whilst downloading the page (and I have
> stop the IIS server to release it).  I have absolutely no experience
> PHP/Access connections, so I thought I'd ding it along and see if the
> elite
> PHP programmers of the world can pick up an error in his code.
> >
> > I connect like this:
> > $conn = new COM ('ADODB.Connection');
> > $conn->Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
> > Source='c:\\home\\westir\\data\\libcat.mdb'");
> > $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_name ";
> > $result = $conn->Execute($sql);
> >
> > // deal with the database generated information
> >
> > $result->Close()
> > $conn->Close
> Is there a better way to do this?

Have a look at register_shutdown_function() to ensure that your database
connection is closed, whether the script ends or is stopped or whatever.


---John W. Holmes...

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