Indeed PHP-Nuke is not meant for Co-orporate sites...

I have my own custom built 'bits' that I put together when doing site
for a client.

If you can't/don't have the luxury of being able to hire/contract a developer
to develop a custom-designed solution for your needs then you are unfortinaltley
limited to what the various CMS's out there can do. I've looked at most of them
and none offer a solution that to me is 'perfect' each of them have bits that are
greate, but it's the lack of the rest of the application that lets it down. As for
php-nukes admin facility, it's possibly one of the worst I've pseronally seen, but 
unless you are able to get something custom developed, you wont find/it'll be hard to 
a single pre-built CMS that will do what you want.

Going back to php-nuke, I'ts qyite limited in what you can do with it's layout from 
what i
can remember - I may be wrong - looking at a version of it from last month.

I also think for co-orporate sites, a CMS/CRM solution would be better, however this 
is an
even bigger undertaking.

Just my thoughts on CMS's ;)

To me all/most CMS's out there are aimed at 'pet sites', like, personal sites, gamers 
and so on...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olav Bringedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 18 June 2002 9:33 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Content Management System in php
> I have been looking into some of the CMS' that the php
> community provides. Now I wonder what the common
> thoughts about these are. Are they fit for deployment
> into professtional organisations or simply still on a
> "idealistic-website" level?
> I made a trial installation of php-nuke and frankly
> i'm very impressed on some matters, like its sceduled
> posting and admin interface. However it lacs some
> features in the ability to apply a own design, its
> forum has something left to desire so on. It might
> work for a site like /., but I doubt it would work
> very well on a corporate nework. PostNuke might even
> look a bit better and dynamic. Am I wrong about this?
> Do anyone got any experiences with eZ publish?
> What interests me in a CMS, are subjects like:
> -Ability to use role/group-based access. 
> -Forum options (access/theading/moderation s.o.)
> -Ability to easily make a design/theme that fits a
> strict and "ready-set" design.
> -Ability to incorporate existing
> web-modules/pages/sites
> I would very much like to hear your thoughts of
> this...
> Olav Bringedal
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