Jed R. Brubaker wrote:
> So I am running into a problem that I could really use some direction
> on: DAO/VO works great with single tables, but I tend to make my
> database work for its existance, and joins ar eeverywhere. What I
> don't understand is how to approach DAO/VO when table joins are
> involved.
> Can anyone think of some good resources?

Take a look at Propel, an ORM tool for PHP that is based on Apache Torque (a 
ORM).  It is a code-generation tool that requires PHP 5, and it may possibly be
overkill for what you are trying to do, but at the very least you could look at 
of the code it generates to get some ideas for your own approach.

There are other ORM/DAO type utilities for PHP available, but since Propel is 
only one I've used I'll leave it to others to mention alternative resources.


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