> Yeah, I seem to have a talent for pissing people of 
 > unintentally, and Julie seemed to have gotten more than a 
 > little pissed at me. Anyway, the reason I didnt specify the 

Perhaps the problem is that you're asking a question that you could
solve yourself.

You asked about mysql_insert_id() and what it would tell you.  Surely
the easiest way to do that would be to _USE_ that function and examine
the result.  You have a web server, you have php and you have a mysql
server.  You can, and if you can't then you should immediately correct
that, examine the raw data in your database.  Because of that you can
see what you expect the relevant part of your code to return by looking
at the raw data and then see if the code returns the correct data.  If
it doesn't then you can start figuring out why.

For anyone else to answer your question you're asking them to figure out
what you're doing, probably ask more questions to figure out what you
could have told them first time around, provide a general answer to
which you will reply that it doesn't work, have them ask for your source
code so they can look at it, have them set the source code up as a test
in their own development environment, etc, etc ,etc.

Sorry, but this almost comes down to basic programming technique - if
you want to do something apply some logic to what you want to achieve
and then figure out a way to do it.  If you think you've found a way,
test it.  If it doesn't work, try something else.  If you are getting
nowhere and decide to ask a question here, at least give some
indications of what you've tried and had not work.

Just some thoughts, and while directed at you, could equally apply to
many others in here (no doubt myself included at times).

CYA, Dave

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