Yes, it can be done.

No it's not easy.

No, it's not advisable.

Mixing content like that is a recipe for disaster.

If you feel you absolutely must do it without creating dirs, consider
putting the content of the pages in a database.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 5:32 AM
Subject: [PHP] Non-existant folders??

I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to create a simple
site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).
here's the problem:
say their company is called "companyname" and my site is called
"" i'd like their site to be located at


Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual folders for each
company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the generation of new
folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be pulled from a DB
it's seems to me a little pointless having all these folders with the same
php page in each.essentially i'd like a php script to run automatically each
time taking what looks like a folder name and making a call to the db using
this name as a variable.
easy,difficult or impossible?

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