I believe it is because without the quotes, it is expecting a predefined
constant.  With the quotes, it is expecting an array key. This is why if you
use a word that is not defined as a constant, php will first look for it as
a constant, won't find it, then looks through the array treating it like a
key. If it is found as a constant, then the constant's value is used as the


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:30 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Re: array variables with or without quotes

2dogs wrote:

>I recently encountered a situation where I had to retrieve data from a 
>MYSQL database table with a field named "include". My code looked like
>$content_result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM calander') or 
>die(mysql_error()); $content_row = mysql_fetch_array($content_result);
>if ($content_row[include])
>    {go do something;}
>When I tried to run this, PHP treated the word  -include- as a control 
>structure rather than an index name. Understandable. So, I put it in 
>single quotes  ('include') to see what would happen and it works fine. 
>But I don't understand why!
>What is the difference between $content_row [include] and 
>$content_row['include']? I have been unable to resolve this question in 
>the php manual, I need enlightenment.

 Chuck Anderson . Boulder, CO
 Integrity is obvious.
 The lack of it is common.

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