hi carlos..

yeah.. the pid is correct.

it appears that spawning/creating a child process using pcntl_exec(foo)
results in a child process that you can see running from the cmdline, but
that you can't kill using "kill -9". php might allow some other function
within the parent app to allow the kill signal to be received by the child,
but i'm not familiar enough with php to know.

if i spawn the child process using something like "system()" then i can kill
the child, but i essentially have a bunch of parent processes running as
well. (ie, one parent process for each child process in the pid tbl)

what i really want, is the ability to spawn/create multiple external child
apps, each with their own child process ID, so I can kill it from the
cmdline. I'd also like to have a single parent processID in the pid tbl...



-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Medina [mailto:i...@simply-networks.de]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:04 AM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Re: killing a child process from pcntl_exec

bruce schrieb:
> Hi..
> I fork a child process, using pcntl_exec. I see the process from the
> (using pgrep 123), but I can't seem to kill the pid from the cmdline,
> "kill -9 123"..
> Is there something that I need to implement within the php test in order
> the kill signal to be effective?
> If I wait, the child eventually dies.. but I'd like to be able to kill it
> from the cmdline.
> thoughts/pointers/comments...
> thanks
Hi Bruce,
my ask: it is the pnum really 123? Check it out with ps -aux or ps -aix


Carlos Medina

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