I was referring to strict Unix directory naming conventions. /tmp is the
equivalent of root/tmp and no sysadmin wants you writing to his /tmp
directory. In fact you should not be allowed to write to /tmp. While I have
not checked this, I have the feeling that PHP takes care of this for you. If
you are creating a subdirectory, say for data, on your web site the Unix
path may be something like /websites/yoursitename/htdocs/subdirectory.

Since your default directory would be /websites/yoursitename/htdocs to get
to /websites/yoursitename/htdocs/subdirectory you should use ./subdirectory
which means "start in my default directory and go down one level to

I'm sorry if this sounds critical, but I have found that many of the problem
posted to this list are OS based, and I urge the members to learn both the
operating system that they do their development on and the box where your
site is hosted. The use of OS standard directories such as /tmp or /etc are
bad form in Unix and make error log analysis difficult at best

Bruce Karstedt
Technology Consulting Associates, Ltd.
Tel: 847-735-9488
Fax: 847-735-9474

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Meloni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 10:13 PM
To: Bruce Karstedt
Subject: Re[2]: [PHP] session problems....

BK> You should not be writing to /tmp that is a system directory. php.ini is
BK> file. If you need a "temporary" directory, use ./tmp that will be
BK> in your web root directory.

With all due respect, I think there's a reason that /tmp is the default
session.save_path value in php.ini.  /tmp is temp.  It's where
temporary things go.

Saying "you shouldn't use that" is pretty much saying "Hey PHP
Development Group, you've done this wrong for 2 years".  If you don't
want to write your session files to /tmp, then don't.  But please
don't say that it's wrong to do so.  That's not the answer to the
guy's particular problem.

- Julie

--> Julie Meloni
--> www.thickbook.com

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