
Monday, February 3, 2003, 12:09:59 AM, you wrote:
BVB> On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 20:07, John W. Holmes wrote:
>> Then use an ORDER BY in your query. If you're relying on the database to
>> spit out rows in the order they went in, then you're wrong.

BVB> Hey man thanks for pointing that out... !!!! I know it's wrong, I didn't
BVB> design it but it's what I have to work with and I'm not being paid to
BVB> fix it. And quite frankly clients being as ignorant as they tend to be
BVB> at times just know that its worked fine for years and don't want to hear
BVB> that they have to spend money fixing something that as far as they can
BVB> tell has always worked fine. That being said, in this instance, due to
BVB> poor design, I need this stuff to be in there in a particular order. If
BVB> that's not possible then I'll just have to suck it up and rebuild this
BVB> thing for free but if I can find a way around that for the time being
BVB> then....

Try creating an index on the field you want it ordered by


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