RE: [PHP] Round

2007-08-29 Thread PHP-Gen
I believe there is some confusion on what ABS actually does.  Ignoring all
the rounding that you are trying to do ABS is a very simple function.

ABS definition: Returns the absolute value of number.

What that means is.

Abs(1) = 1
Abs(2) = 2
Abs(3) = 3
Abs(0) = 0
Abs(-1) = 1
Abs(-2) = 2
Abs(-3) = 3

Simply put, returns the positive value of the number given.  Thus if you put
it on a negative number it will always return positive.

This most likely doesn't help what your trying to do, but I wanted to
clarify this as you keep stating you are expecting a -1 when you use the ABS
function.  Unless someone has some trick that I don't know about, ABS will
NEVER return a negative number.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:43 PM
To: Daniel Brown
Cc: Zoltán Németh;
Subject: Re: [PHP] Round

Daniel Brown wrote:
 On 8/29/07, Zoltán Németh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Think this through before you respond...

 Try this

 var_dump( round(-0.26) );
 var_dump( abs( round(-0.26) ) );
 var_dump( round(-1.26) );
 var_dump( abs( round(-1.26) ) );

 does this give you the desired results?

 What if I expected -1 for the last answer?
 It didn't take much thinking this time if you were expecting
 -1 for the last answer, you'd be wrong.  ;-P
 The very nature of abs() is to return an absolute number, which is
 never a negative.

Exactly my point, abs() is not the answer

if he had any negative number that did not round to zero, say it would round
to -2, then having the 
abs() in the calculations would return 2 instead of -2, which would be

 From what I read from the OP, I don't think this is what he was looking

the op was asking why he got -0 instead of 0.  not for a solution to fix it.

ok, better example.


$list[] =  1;   # I expect to get  1 and I get 1
$list[] = -1;   # I expect to get -1 but I get 1
$list[] = -1.2; # I expect to get -1 but I get 1
$list[] = -0.23;# I expect to get  0 and I get 0
$list[] = -0.75;# I expect to get -1 and I get 1

foreach ($list AS $value) {
var_dump( abs( round($value) ) );


But, from what the OP says, he would get -0 instead of 0 for the 4th entry.
Am I correct with this?

if so, you could try casting it as an int like so

var_dump( (int)round(-0.26) );

That might fix the problem

Jim Lucas

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[PHP] Zend Enc and 0T Q

2004-07-21 Thread PHP Gen
Hi all,

Our company has decided to encrypt the php programs
that we sell, I have to choose which encryption
package to buy.

After a lot of seaching (on this list(archives),
google, forums etc) I saw a quite a few products like
ioncube, zend, codesecure, blender, mmCache encryptor
etc etc
unfortunatly blender is not yet ready for stable
production use and althought I was leaning towards
mmcache as its free, not every host will be too happy
to install mmCache so I have decided to go with Zend
encryptor (not too bad a price for the small
business companies - companies that make less than
$250k a year - which is what we currently fall under)

I just wanted your comments on this, good idea? bad?
any of you guys tried it? any problems with hosts not
willing to install the optimiser to run encrypted
scripts? stable? etc
I have googled for these questions and it seems very
favourable, but I figure it would be wise to ask you
guys as you use php everyday/nearly everyday and can
give me better feedback as the average joe (a lot of
the sites recommending Zend Enc are linking to zend
with a little affiliate i'm guessing some of
them are biased).

Off topic Q, My ISP has blocked me sending mail from
my local machine (they have blocked port 25) any
program (for windows (2000 pro)) that can send mail on
another port? I used to use Merak mail server.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [PHP] Zend Enc and 0T Q

2004-07-21 Thread PHP Gen
Thanks for replying.

 And the loss is entirely theirs. MMache really can
 take a load of your 

True, but its easier to tell a webhosting company to
install a Zend product as they are the maker of PHP
blah blah than to tell them to install an untrusted
3rd party app like mmCache.
The above applies only to webhosts who are mostly half
wits, my present webhost ( are very nice guys
and know their business.
(ps. I dont get anything from hub for the plug above)

 Correct me if I am wrong, but according to my
 understanding when an 
 optimizer is installed it does not matter which
 encoder was used to 
 encode the scripts.

News to me, I thought each encryptor has its own
style of encrypting the phpwill check up but I
think thats true.

 Off topic Q, My ISP has blocked me sending mail
 my local machine (they have blocked port 25) any
 program (for windows (2000 pro)) that can send mail
 another port? I used to use Merak mail server.
 how about using SSH tunneling instead.

Never tried it, any examples for a win2k pro machine?

 Please start your signature with the '--' sequence
 and not '' as you 
 have used.

Yahoo added the , will change it as you are the
second person who has complained...just have to find
the place where thats set.


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Re: [PHP] Zend Enc and 0T Q

2004-07-22 Thread PHP Gen

--- raditha dissanayake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PHP Gen wrote:
 how about using SSH tunneling instead.
 Never tried it, any examples for a win2k pro
 There are some tutorials on this topic search term
 may be 'ssh tunnel 
 howto' you do need to have an SSH client installed
 on your computer. The 
 server will no doubt have ssh installed.

Thanks, will google for it.


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[PHP] RSS and your opinion needed.

2004-07-23 Thread PHP Gen
Some time back I came on the list and asked your
advise for a class that gets RSS feeds from diff
sites, I got quite a few good sites and a particular
class that was really good.
Unfortunatly I lost it in a webhost change but here is
what it did:
It got the feed and cached it for a day (or two - not
too sure) so that speed and performance was improved
instead of fetching it every time, it also allowed me
to customize the links out (eg: open in new window)

Any idea which class that is and where can I download
it? if not that one, can you recommend one that is
good? (and free)

Lastly, I have never worked with RSS feeds before, can
you tell me how many links are ok per page?

E.g: I have a page with content and on the right the
feeds links will display... 

I was thinking of putting 9 links per page(3 each from
3 diff sites)...or is that too much?


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[PHP] Include path

2004-07-23 Thread PHP Gen
I am a bit confused :-(, this is my server path:


from myfile.php I want to include header.php which
is located in:





After searching on google I tried using:

but I think I am using it wrong coz its not working..

Please help.


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RE: [PHP] Include path

2004-07-23 Thread PHP Gen
--- Jay Blanchard
 from myfile.php I want to include header.php
 is located in:
 in /home/sites/site80/web/articles/myfile.php
 place the following line


Good solution, but the problem is once the program is
completed it goes out of my hands and most prolly the
client wont know the exact paths, the templates folder
would *always* be one below...but the path before the
/templates will change.

Anyway, heres what I have come up with, comments are

$pieces = explode(/, $_SERVER[PATH_TRANSLATED]);
for($i=1; $i  $a-2; $i++)
$include_path= /.$f;


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Re: [PHP] Include path (SOLVED)

2004-07-23 Thread PHP Gen
Hey everyone,

Have you tried 

DAMN! THATS what I was looking for.
No, didnt try that, took the long route home instead,
but atleast brushed up on php's explode function.

$templatesDir = $baseDir . /templates/;

include($templatesDir . header.php);
include($templatesDir . body.php);
include($templatesDir . footer.php);
Ed, perfect.

Have you tried;

Include ../templates/header.php;
Warren, yep, tried that and also
../../templates/header.php; and more, it was going
to the root (/home/sites/ etc)

Thanks, everyone.


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[PHP] Learning Regex

2004-07-24 Thread PHP Gen

Does anybody know of a good place to learn how to work
with regex? 

Google has quite a few links for learn pattern
matching or learn php regex but none that start you
on baby steps.

Any recommendations?


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Re: [PHP] Re: Learning Regex

2004-07-25 Thread PHP Gen

 This helped me get started with Perl-compatible
 regular expressions:

Thanks Jason, will try it immd.

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[PHP] class help (PLEASE)

2004-07-25 Thread PHP Gen
After searching the archives and google I found a
class that does bb code conversions, although I know
how to use classes (thanks to the docs the writers
write) I dont really understand them too well.

The class is REALLY good and covers all my needs
(which is to display php code in colors) but
unfortunatly if there is no carrage return in the text
it screws up my entire table...

I have a table width=70% , after calling this class
if I try to display this:

$result = mysql_query(insert into the_articles
(author, headline, content10, content1, content2,
content3, content4, content5, content6, content7,
content8, content9,  date, confirm, pages, link10,
link1, link2, link3, link4, link5, link6, link7,
link8, link9, typeNews) values .

it expands my table to more than 150% and screws up my
whole page.

If somebody could please just edit the classfile so it
breaks long text strings to the next line and does
not screw up my page layout I will be MOST grateful
and sing your praises, plus name my first child after
you (heck, if you're a woman will name my next
girlfriend after you!) :-)

The classfile is below (tried writing to the author
but I dont think he speaks english coz his website's
in Italian I think:

*** Class file ***

* Compatibility: PHP = 4.1
* Page Example:
* LAST FIXED:   multiple URL inline, increase speed
convertion, adjusted code, color and list tags,
unclosed /* comment.
*   Totally rewrote and fixed wrap_convert() function
with url/img/mail preservation.
* LAST ADDS:[AS] tag with different highlight
FlashMX like
*   you can add one or more personal tags
[IMG={url}]{comment}[/IMG] as quote and url.
*   Now [PHP]  [AS] use monospace font on.
*   Now are right both [URL={URL}] , [URL={URL}]
* HTML 4.01 W3C Strict Standard VAlidated tags
emulator with:
*   personalizable style sheet
*   great [tag] engine
*   JavaScript crossbrowser for checks and helps
*   automatic form / textarea / buttons generation
* $codeLighter = new codeLighter();
* echo $codeLighter-convert($text_var);
* WARNING: the better way to use this script is give
an htmlentities($text_var);
* so if you haven't converted $text_var you need to do
* Example:
*   echo $codeLighter-convert( htmlentities($text_var)
* Accepted tags: B, U, I, CODE, PHP, AS, QUOTE, LIST,
* B = [b]{TEXT}[/b]
* U = [u]{TEXT}[/u]
* I = [i]{TEXT}[/i]
* CENTER = [center]{center text}[/center]
* RIGHT = [right]{right text}[/right]
* CODE = [code]{code text}[/code]
* PHP = [php]{php text}[/php]
* ACTIONSCRIPT = [as]{action script text}[/as]
* QUOTE = [quote]{quoted text}[/quote] |
[quote=posted from]{quoted text}[/quote]
* LIST = [list][*]{TEXT}[/list] |
*   type:   NULL = default, unordered list
*   1 = numeric ordered list
*   [ for alphabetic list write to ... they
wrote Safe for kids with DL sintax ... ]
*   Example: [list]
* [*]something
* [*]something else
* [/list]
*   Example: [list=1]
* [*]something
* [*]something else
* [/list]
* MAIL = {valid email addres} | [mail]{valid email
addres}[/mail] | [mail={valid email
*   Example: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/mail]
*   Example: [EMAIL PROTECTED] email[/mail]
* URL = {valid url addres} | [url]{valid url
addres}[/url] | [url={valid url addres}]{TEXT}[/url]
| [url={valid url addres}]{TEXT}[/url]
*   Example: [url][/url];
*   Example: [url=]hello
*   Example: [url=]hello
* IMG = [img]{valid url addres with img}[/img] |
[img={valid url addres with img}]{ALT/TITLE}[/img] |
[img={WIDTHxHEIGHT}]{valid url addres with img}[/img]
*   Example:
*   Example:
[img=]this is
my site's logo[/img]
*   Example:
*   NOTE: you need to auth this last type of parsing
with $codeLighter-imgSize(maxWidth, maxHeight);
* FONT = [font={valid font type}]{TEXT}[/font]
*   Example: [font=courier]hello[/font]
[font=arial]world[/font] !
* SIZE = [size={number between 1 and 9}]{TEXT}[/size]
*   Example: [size=1]hello[/size] 

Re: [PHP] Re: class help (PLEASE)

2004-07-25 Thread PHP Gen
--- Jason Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No offense intended, but I'm not going to read
 through all of that.  Narrow down 
 the code block that gives you problems and then post
 that one block here... not 
 the entire class.

Hey Jason,
No offense at all taken, am happy you read part of my
Problem is, like I said, I dont have a clue about the
workings of a class and all the pointing like this

$this- blah

gets me totally confused so I really dont know which
part IS the problem part.
Anybody knowing of a good class tutorial...would be

I tried to figure it out by myself looking at the
code, but I guess I have to learn about classes (have
not come to that yet) before I know where the problem
is, but having a look for the newline part I think
this is the problem part:

$preserve = md5( \n\r);
$elaborate = preg_replace(/( )([\\n\\r]+){1}(
)/, $preserve, $elaborate);
$elaborate = preg_replace(/( )([\\n\\r^ ]+){1}/,
$preserve, $elaborate);
$elaborate .= */;

I know the class looks massive but if you copy and
paste it into a editor that colors PHP code (I use
editplus), you will see that a s***load of it is
comments on how to use the class and layouts,css,
initialization etc (even I could understand that so
I'm guessing it has to pretty simple), then comes the
preg_replace and eregi which confuses the crap out of


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Re: [PHP] Re: class help (PLEASE)

2004-07-25 Thread PHP Gen
Will first try learning RegEX then will move onto
classes ore again will have problems in the future.
Will screw around with the class and see what happens
but if you do figure it out, please drop me a line.


--- Jason Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Jason,
  No offense at all taken, am happy you read part of
  Problem is, like I said, I dont have a clue about
  workings of a class and all the pointing like this
  $this- blah
 (-) means blah is a property of the class.  ($this)
 means an instance of the class.
  gets me totally confused so I really dont know
  part IS the problem part.
  Anybody knowing of a good class tutorial...would
 phpfreaks have a lot of tutorials, so do
 codewalkers.  You can probably find 
 class tutorials at one of those sites.
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[PHP] Using htaccess to show diff dir (0T)

2004-07-27 Thread PHP Gen
instead of showing my index.php page located at /
I want to show my index.html page located at /cached/
but I dont want to use javascript as the clients JS
might be off...and I dont want to get blacklisted by
the search engines for redirecting...

I did read somewhere that you can redirect via 
a .htaccess and NOT get blacklisted by giving out
certain status codes (document moved permantly...I
think) I cant find that article searching google, but
since its so useful I'm pretty sure someone else is
using that method, mind helping me out?


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[PHP] RE[PHP] Using htaccess to show diff dir (0T) (SOLVED)

2004-07-27 Thread PHP Gen
Dont worry about it, found it:


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Re: [PHP] Replace a button by an image

2004-07-30 Thread PHP Gen

 Jay Blanchard wrote:
  Yes, anything is possible.
 Can I be the next Queen of England?
 John C. Nichel

Anythings possible...and with all your choices you
want to be an old fart??


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[PHP] str_replace: use multiple or array?

2004-07-30 Thread PHP Gen
I need to use a couple of str_replace's in one of my
programs and would like to know which is more resource

1) having multiple str_replace one after another

$text = str_replace(orange, apple, $text);
$text = str_replace(black, white, $text);
$text = str_replace(girl, guy, $text);
$text = str_replace(woman, man, $text);
$text = str_replace(plant, tree, $text);

2) by using an array

$bad = array(orange, black, girl, woman,
$good = array(apple, white, guy, man, tree);
$text = str_replace($bad, $good, $text);

Also, off topic,
Anybody else getting a non delivery message from: 


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Re: [PHP] multiple checkboxes

2004-08-02 Thread PHP Gen

--- John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Like I had a shot in hell of getting the answer in
 first with John and 
 Curt trolling the list. ;)

Yep, those two guys are the highrollers here...also
known as the big guns so when they are aroundI
keep my little pistol voice out of it :-)

Not complaining though, both have helped me countless


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[PHP] Confused...need some programming logic

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen
I have 13 folders with a few thousand images each, now
the client wants me to export the gallerys to
another server that does not run phpso he wants
plain .htm files.

Below is how far I have come to porting this... the
idea being: generate .html files then simply copy the
images folders to the clients other server and 
dump the html files there and he has a gallery ready
to go..this is how i thought of it:

1: read number of images from a directory (done)

2: After reading, divide the number by 100 (eg: 1348
images equals 14 pages...last page only 48 pics)

3: Dynamically create the .html files via a fopen

4: put 100 img tags to call 100 images per page
(confused here)

The images are numbered sequentially but dont start
from 0 or 1, they start from something like 00047.jpg
or 0024.jpg etc

I think I will need a foreach (and tried a
foreach...but didnt work) but am confused...ANY help

** Start code 

function directory($dir,$filters){
if ($filters == all){while(($file =
readdir($handle))!==false){$files[] = $file;}}
if ($filters != all){
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
for ($f=0;$fsizeof($filters);$f++):
if ($system[1] == $filters[$f]){$files[] = $file;}
return $files;

$pages = ceil($total_pics / 100); // using ceil so
12.23 translates to 13

foreach ($pics as $p)
// $p is the name of the file
{$content.=$content.img src='thumbs/tn_.$p.';} 

for($i=0; $i$pages;$i++)

 if(!$handle = fopen($index..html, w))
 {echo Cannot open file ($filename);exit;}

 if(fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE)
 {echo Cannot write to file $filename);exit;}


echo The end;

** End code 

The above code is working so far as to: from the dir
2.create the required number of pages while making
sure the first page is index.html
3. Writing some content this case just: Mag


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Re: [PHP] Confused...need some programming logic

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

--- Justin Patrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  4: put 100 img tags to call 100 images per page
  (confused here)
 I put some code inline below. Should work. If you
 want a thumbnail
 gallery, you could also create thumbnails using the
 GD functions in
 PHP, same them, and create an img tag with the
 thumbnail with a link
 to the fill file.

Thanks for replying.

I think you misunderstood my problem, your code is
just printing the images onto the screen...I need to
take 100 img tags and write it to each of the .html

if there 112 images in the folder,
it should create 2 html files (index.htm and
index1.htm - this is already done - 
THEN insert 100 img tags into the first file
(index.htm) and balance 12 img tags into the second



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Re: [PHP] Confused...need some programming logic

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

 Just change the echo to an fwrite.
 for($j = 0; $j  100; ++$j) {
  if($pics[$i * 100 + $j]) {
fwrite($handle, 'img src='.$pics[$i * 100 +

Works like a charm, thanks a million.

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[PHP] Write text on imge...AND save it to disk..

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

Have very little of idea of the GD functions (and dont
ahve imagemagik) so am having problems

1. I need to read all the images from a dir and write
something on it at the bottom right side of the
picture this image in a diff folder keeping the
originals as is.

I have worked out the logic to fetch the imgs from the
folder into an array but the rest is beyond me...

I HAVE gotten a good class that does a lot
does not save the image, it outputs it to the browser
(class below) can anybody help me save the file to a
folder on my disk please?

I have gone to, 
searched the archives,
and google...but am as confused as ever...maybe
because its 5am ;-) and been working whole day.

Solutions or URLs are most welcome, thanks in advance.

* Class **

class img_add_txt{

Created by Richard Sumilang

object img_add_txt($array);

This function adds text on top of an image


text = Coupon: Here is your free 
text_colors = 255 68 0, // RGB 
Seperated by
image_loc = example.jpg,
image_type = JPEG, // PNG and GIF 
// Optional arguments; default is 
center area on
x_pos = ,
y_pos = ,


$graphic=new img_add_txt($config);

function img_add_txt($config){

// header
//header(Content-Type: image/gif);

// set up image
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($config['image_loc']);

// Set up text colors
$text_colors=explode( , $config['text_colors']);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im,
$text_colors['0'], $text_colors['1'],

// get font dimensiona
$font_height = ImageFontHeight(3);
$font_width = ImageFontWidth(3);

// get image dimensiona
$image_height = ImageSY($im);
$image_width = ImageSX($im);

// get string length
$length = $font_width * strlen($config['text']);

// set the x, y cords of where the text will be
// calculate start coordinates for string
$image_center_x = ($image_width/2)-($length/2);
$image_center_x = $config['x_pos'];
// calculate start coordinates for string
$image_center_y =
$image_center_y = $config['y_pos'];

// write string
ImageString($im, 3, $image_center_x,
$image_center_y, $config['text'], $text_color);

// output to browser
$this-output_image($config['image_type'], $im);

}// End img_add_txt

Output the correct header based
on file type
function func_header($var){

case PNG:
header(Content-Type: image/png);


Re: [PHP] Write text on imge...AND save it to disk..

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

--- Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 05 August 2004 10:36, PHP Gen wrote:
  Have very little of idea of the GD functions (and
  ahve imagemagik) so am having problems

I *DID* RTFM, just am more confused after doing so,
did you read my post or did you stop after the first 3


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Re: [PHP] Write text on imge...AND save it to disk..

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

 Big clue: look up each of the image*() functions
 used in your class and find 
 out what they do.
Arn't you the genius?

I dont know if you read my older posts (around 2-3
days ago) when I asked if someone could recommend a
good place to learn about PHP classes...

Still learning and still dont have a clue what the 
this- sorry, but your clue isnt big
enough, still reading


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Re: [PHP] Write text on imge...AND save it to disk..

2004-08-04 Thread PHP Gen

 Here's another big clue: have 
 a look at the section of the class which does the

I did, but forget it, I got another answer from Wudi
that is far more helpful and I think a starting point.

I guess knowing the answer and still playing games
makes you feel all powerful, to each their own
...remember one thing though, everyone was a newbie at
one time and what goes around..comes around.

Please dont answer this thread with any more of your
help as I wont be reading it or replying to it.

Have a nice day.


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[PHP] sorting an array..dont know numeric or alpha-numeric

2004-08-06 Thread PHP Gen
I have a function that reads jpg files (thumbnails)
from a directory and puts all the files names into an
array...I want to sort that array by the filename,
problem is, I dont know if filenames will be pure
numeric (eg 001.jpg,002.jpg) or alpha-numeric

It HAS to be sequential from small to big (eg: 0-10)
as I am making static html pages from them further
down the program.

Looking in the manual I have tried sort() without any
luck, then looking further I found natcasesort() which
would be perfect for my needs right now, but cant get
it to work :-( 

Below is the function (its not big)

*** Start function 

function directory($dir,$filters){
if ($filters == all){while(($file =
readdir($handle))!==false){$files[] = $file;}}
if ($filters != all){
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
for ($f=0;$fsizeof($filters);$f++):
if ($system[1] == $filters[$f]){$files[] = $file;}
return $files;


*** End function 

I have tried putting natcasesort() in many places but
not working

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP] sorting an array..dont know numeric or alpha-numeric

2004-08-06 Thread PHP Gen
Hi Curt,

Damn, looks like I (unintentionally) gave you guys
quite a challenge! You're the first one to reply and
looks like you sure worked on it!

 For starters, if your going to provide some code,
 make sure its
 readable by others.. trying to figure out what it is
 doing is
 nearly impossible the way it is written..

Sorry about that, I didnt write the code, I snipped
it off from phpbuilder (i think, might have been
another php help site) and since it was working I
didnt touch or do anything.

Will go through the modifications and advise you gave
me and will write back if.. any problems.

Thanks again,

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[PHP] regex help and file question

2004-08-07 Thread PHP Gen
I am just starting out with regex (and classes) so am
not sure how to do this...

I am seeing if a HTML file exists, if yes, I am using
file_get_contents to get the entire HTML file into a

In the HTML file I already have this:

!-- Start header --
whatever you want comes here
!-- End header --

How do I use a regex to span these multiple lines and
simply cut everything (including the start..end
part)from !-- Start header -- to !-- End header --

Second question:
I am using file_get_contents, is it better to use this
than file() or fread() ?


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[PHP] Flush()....go to bottom of page (might be 0T)

2004-08-07 Thread PHP Gen
I am using flush() and ob_flush() in one of my scripts
and its working great.., just one problem, as it keeps
outputting x on the screen the page just stays on there anyway (I am not sure via php...but
maybe JavaScript? ) to make the browser follow the
output below
keep the scroll below right next to the text.

This is what i am using:

for($i=0; $i1000;$i++)
echo somethingbr;
echo str_repeat( , 256);   flush();   ob_flush();


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Re: [PHP] Re: regex help and file question

2004-08-07 Thread PHP Gen

 I can't answer your regexp question but some
 thoughts on file() etc.:
 - file() returns the contents line by line as an
 array, so this makes only
 sense if you need the contents in this form, e.g.
 for looping through each
 line and applying a function or whatever
 - fread() requires a file handle that you have to
 create with fopen(), so
 file_get_contents() is kind of a shortcut for


Thanks for replying and the answer to my second Q,
sounds like file_get_contents() is good for me now.

I think i found a solution for the regex too, just
have to modify some parts.


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Re: [PHP] Flush()....go to bottom of page (might be 0T)

2004-08-07 Thread PHP Gen

--- John Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PHP Gen wrote:
  I am using flush() and ob_flush() in one of my
  and its working great.., just one problem, as it
  outputting x on the screen the page just stays
 on there anyway (I am not sure via php...but
  maybe JavaScript? ) to make the browser follow
  output below

 Not with PHP. Use Javascript's scroll
 properties/methods/whatevers... :)

Yeah, thought so. Dont know JS that well though (been
a long time) so will have to search the web.

Thanks anyway.

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[PHP] urlencode - urldecode

2004-08-08 Thread PHP Gen
I am using a header(location:) to send a
rawurlencod'ed string to another script...then I tried
decode it and use those values...but its not

snippets of my code: 

// sending file:
header(location: process.php?a=.$one);

Am totally confused as to how to use urldecode to get
back my values to do other operations in my script..

I tried the example from (example 1)

but am unable to adapt it to give me my

The reason I am using rawurlencode is because $link1
and $link2 will contain html tags...

Thanks for your time.

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Re: [PHP] urlencode - urldecode

2004-08-08 Thread PHP Gen Newbie

Thanks again John, point taken...will not trust the
browser, will use sessions :-)


--- John Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PHP Gen wrote:
  // sending file:

  header(location: process.php?a=.$one);
  Am totally confused as to how to use urldecode to
  back my values to do other operations in my
 You don't have to decode it on the other end.
 Everything as you've got 
 above (that whole string) will be in $_GET['a'] on
 Since you asked, though, you use urldecode() like
 $decoded = urldecode($_GET['a']);
 That's a lot of information to be sending through
 the URL, btw. I think 
 there's a max of 1024 characters, generally,
 although each browser is 
 different. Just something to note. Maybe sessions
 would be better?
 John Holmes
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