"R.G. Vervoort" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> сообщил/сообщила в новостях
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> Does anyone have a suggestion how I can order a list with names in a
> secondary select string.
> The first string selects a number of locations where people work
> From this string I get several id's form people (in the location table
> are no names but id's form the people table) that work on those locations
> No I make another select to get the name form the people table using the
> I got before.
> I would like to have the table ordered alphabetical by the name of the
> people
> Since the number op people is very long is will be to slow working the
> way around (first selecting people and then  looking for the location)
> Example:
> Location 1            Name A
>                         Name B
>                         Name C
> Location 3            Name D
>                         Name E
> Location 5            Name F
> Location 2            Name G
> Location 9            Name H
> Location 7            Name I

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