[PHP] safe_mode_include_dir not working

2002-03-20 Thread Estelle Martin

Hi all,
I have PHP 4.1.2 as Apache module, Safe-Mode On. I want to use the
safe_mode_include_dir directive and ... this does not work.
I have this in the directory directive of httpd.conf, I put the include_path
to exactly the same path, I use complete path, and I always get the
safe-mode restriction in effect error.
I have found some information about this directive working for 4.0.7 and
higher, but nothing usefull ( I tried several configurations ) to me and
nothing about 4.1.2.

Any idea, or tricks from people for whom it works ?

Many thanks,


 Estelle Martin

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[PHP] Image displaying problem

2001-05-06 Thread Estelle Martin

Hi all,
I am using PHP 4.02 on a Solaris 8 box.
We have a very strange problem : we have a program that choses banners to
display on our sites. The code is a javascript, because it can be put on
simple html pages. The images is chosen through a php code, that with
header function sends the image. It works great, but in one case: when in
a php page, we display the page coming from a form submission. In this case,
the image is not displayed at all. There is no error in the logs, all the
actions required in the php page sending the image are correctly performed,
but the image is not here. When we hit reload, the image come. When we
take the information about the image and type the address directly in the
address field of the browser, the image displays correctly.
The problem does not occur in Netscape 6.0. But in IE 4 and IE 5 ...

One example:

Without a form submission, the banner (on the right top of the page)
displays correctly. Try to submit the form, the image does not come :-(

Thank you for helping,


 Estelle Martin
 mailto:estelle @ megaphone.ch

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Re: [PHP] PHP as apache module and security.

2001-05-06 Thread Estelle Martin

What do you think about the following configuration:
1) safe-mode on : this ensures that a php script can read only files that
are owned by the same Unix user on the machine; then just check that people
having a right to use php and mysql on your box have all a different
corresponding Unix user.
2) open-basedir : put this parameter for each php directory to this
directory; then the scripts cannot access files that are elsewhere on the

In Apache httpd.conf it would be like:
Directory /path-to-a-php-directory
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
php_admin_value open_basedir '/path-to-a-php-directory'

Has someone tested it ? Do you see a problem in it ?


Andrzej Swedrzynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

Recently  someone  asked how to ensure that no one will read pas­
sword from php file. The only response I noticed  was  to  create
group  and add apache user (often nobody) to that group. I consi­
dered this and I can not see what would  stop  other  users  from
writing  php  script  (run also as nobody) which reads filesystem
with permissions of apache?

Is there a method of making php as module really secure?




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