Re: [PHP] Rounded rectangle in php

2009-01-29 Thread Greg Bowser
It is certainly possible, but to my knowledge, there is no built-in method
for doing so.

After a quick Google, it looks like this has been done before:

But if you're looking to reinvent the wheel:

1.) Given any three noncolinear points, you can construct a circle. (whose
center is at the intersection of perpendicular bisectors of line segments
connecting these points)
2.) Using imageline(), you can draw the sides of your rectangle, minus the
corners.  At the empty space where each corner would be you would  have
the ends of two lines--two points.

3.) Then you need to choose a third point that is between those two.
(there is a certain line that the between point should lie on)

4.) Once you have three points, you can calculate the center and radius of
the circle that passes through them.  Then use imagearc() to draw the
rounded corner.

-- Greg

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Jônatas Zechim zechim@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi there, is it possible do make a rounded rectangle in php, i can do a
 ellipse, but i need a space between the corners, i need to make something
 like this:

 not the color and the shadows, only the form.


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Re: [PHP] implode()

2008-11-18 Thread Greg Bowser
$BannerSize = implode($_POST['BannerSize'], ',');

Looks like you have your arguments backwards; try:

$BannerSize = implode(',',$_POST['BannerSize']);


Re: [PHP] Query-within-a-query with mySQL/PHP

2008-10-25 Thread Greg Bowser
Basically I somehow need to do a GROUP BY producer, and yet somehow at the
same time, find out all the matching vintages (years), that go along with
that group and return them the same time the producer group is returned.

If I'm following you correctly, you have a column year in your group, and
rather than returning just one year in your result set, you would like every
year in the group.

This can be accomplished with the group_concat() [1] function:

SELECT field1,field2,field3, GROUP_CONCAT(distint year) as years FROM table
WHERE conditions GROUP BY foo;


-- GREG.

Re: [PHP] Source Code Analysis

2008-10-22 Thread Greg Bowser
 Perhaps detecting
if a variable has not been initialized within the code

This is an E_NOTICE level error.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php test.php
Notice: Undefined variable: foo in /home/mario/test.php on line 3

Re: [PHP] WHERE is syntax doc'ed for saying: if (expr1 *OR* expr2 *AND* expr3)

2008-08-24 Thread Greg Bowser
 if (stripos(strrev($file), gpj.) === 0) || (stripos(strrev($file),
fig.) === 0) || (stripos(strrev($file), gnp.) === 0) {

You have too many parenthesis:

if (stripos(strrev($file), gpj.) === 0) -- this ends the if statement;
the next || is unexpected.

Also, at the end, you're missing a parentheses at the end:
(stripos(strrev($file), gnp.) === 0) should be(stripos(strrev($file),
gnp.) === 0))


Re: [PHP] Hack question

2008-04-16 Thread Greg Bowser
  I can sort of figure what is doing; but, I can't figure out what the hacker
 is using it for.

It will allow him to upload and execute arbitrary code on your server.
 Generally speaking, arbitrary code execution is a bad thing. :).

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Re: [PHP] Socket create with ssl server

2008-04-10 Thread Greg Bowser
The sockets extension is a much lower level interface to sockets
than the fsockets/stream_ functions in PHP.

Unlike with the aforementioned, with the sockets extension, you can't
just expect to magically get an ssl connection by using ssl://.

Your problem is that the sockets extension has no idea what you mean
by ssl://; and since ssl://foo is clearly not a valid domain name,
resolution fails.

Short Answer: use fsockets if you need SSL ;)

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Re: [PHP] require_once dying silently

2008-04-09 Thread Greg Bowser
the above won't work, as the parser will try to interpret $CFG and
put it in the string first,

In that case, $CFG is either null, or it is indeed an object. If it is
a standard object, which I it appears to be, then a fatal error will
be thrown because there is no __tostring() function.  If it's null,
then require_once is referencing a directory beginning with '-',
again, there *should* be an error. Anyway..

I've seen $obj-property used many times in double quotes, and never
had a problem with that working. Personally though, I always use the
curly braces though because it highlights better in VIM :p

Also, OOP is nice and all (not to start a thread about OOP again),
but putting your config into an object seems a bit overdo to me.

Me too!! (not to continue the unstarted OOP discussion) It's a
practice I've seen used more than once.  I think people find that
syntax attractive.

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Re: [PHP] limit mail() function

2008-04-08 Thread Greg Bowser
As far as I know, there's no way you can do this via PHP.

PHP doesn't know about users on the system.  Generally, PHP is run as an
apache module, and thus the scripts are run as the user apache is running

So to start with, you'd probably need to be running a Fast CGI + SuExec
setup or something similar.

I'm not sure how, or if there is a way to do this in postfix.  The mail()
function calls the sendmail binary, so one sort of hackish way might be to
move this binary and write a wrapper script that keeps track of per-user
rate limits, and then invokes the real sendmail binary.  Of course, in this
case, you'd also probably want to make sure the real sendmail binary
couldn't be executed and that users could not write to the file that keeps
track of the rate-limit.

-- Greg

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Jordi Moles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hello everyone,

 first of all... i'm sorry if this has been asked like a million times
 before... but i've been looking for info about this and found nothing so


 I've got a server with apache2 and postfix and php5 providing hosting to
 some clients. I've got this big problem about clients sending spam
 massively, either consciously or because they website have been hacked. The
 main way to spam is by using the mail() function.
 So far, i've only found how to disable the use of the mail() function
 completely in the php.ini file, but it's not a really good option to me,
 cause i run some server scripts to check for some things and they send some
 mails when they find something wrong.

 So... i would like to know what options i have if i want to limit this

 can i disable the function only for some users?
 may be i can set a rate limit for it?


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Re: [PHP] limit mail() function

2008-04-08 Thread Greg Bowser
Pardon me, but that's one kludgy idea

Hence my use of the term hackish. But really, is isn't all that
kludgy.  An software solution that implements this natively would have
to keep track of the stats somehow; undoubtely via some sort of stats
file. So the real difference is that two processes are run, instead of
one.  Yet, by the same wrapper logic, is it not kludgy that php
invokes the sendmail binary, instead of using some sort of native php
implementation?  And again, by the same logic, the sendmail binary
that comes with many MTAs is simply a wrapper to allow normal sendmail

postfix has rate-limitation facilities you can use for this

I'm aware of several configuration directives that limit rate, none of
which directly limit the send rate local users.  Perhaps some kludgly
or elusive trick involving multiple options would do the trick; I
don't claim to be a postfix expert.  Perhaps, instead of making empty
statements, you might choose to enlighten me as per the exact
configuration that will accomplish this.

Of course, I spent some time googling, but it appears that not too
many people know (or at least write about) how to implement such
functionality.  I did manage to find two interesting items in my

The former doesn't appear to be magical, and from what my limited and
apparently klugdy thoughts permit me to deduce, it seems to bear,
conceptually, at least a degree (Celsius, mind you) of similarity to
the aforementioned kludgy statistics idea... I didn't find any
documentation regarding the implementation of anvil.  And the latter,
well that's not even a native postfix solution, so apparently, I have
failed to find the alleged rate-limitation.

All cynical, superficial, and sarcastic storming somewhat consummate,
I can at last take solace knowing that I would, had you _suggested_ a
better solution, or had I not, kludgy though it apparently was, put
some effort into finding a solution, pardoned you.

And with the sarcasm, sincerity, and cynicism now accomplished, permit
me to offer my most sincere apologies for the above rude, and overly
verbose post.

-- Greg

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Re: [PHP] require_once dying silently

2008-04-08 Thread Greg Bowser
?php echo 'begin brainstorm.'; ?

Is it possible that something is going wrong between the definition
of $CFG-foo and when you require that could cause $CFG-dirroot to be
null? Then it would point to /lib/setup.php, which definitely
shouldn't exist and should thus throw an error, but maybe it's worth
looking into.

?php require_once('Have you tried including a file that definitely
does not exist?'); ? That would rule out any error reporting problems

Have you tried something to the effect of ?php echo __FILE__ . '
included'; ? on the first line of setup.php?  Adding ?php
print_r(get_included_files()); ? after the require_once() might also

 I've confirmed that the file setup.php exists and is readable.
I apologize if this seems obvious, but for the sake of
brainstorming... it's readable by the user running apache, right? And
even if it weren't, that should have thrown an error *shrugs*

That's all I can think of. I hope it is of some use to you.

?php echo 'end brainstorm.'; ?

?php signature('GREG'); ?

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Re: [PHP] Arbitrary mathematical relations, not just hashes

2008-04-06 Thread Greg Bowser
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Kelly Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Many programming languages (including Perl, Ruby, and PHP) support hashes:

 $color['apple'] = 'red';
 $color['ruby'] = 'red';

 $type['apple'] = 'fruit';
 $type['ruby'] = 'gem';

 This quickly lets me find the color or type of a given item.

 In this sense, color() and type() are like mathematical functions.

 However, I can't easily find all items whose $color is 'red', nor all
 items whose $type is 'fruit'. In other words, color() and type()
 aren't full mathematical relations.

 Of course, I could create the inverse function as I go along:

 $inverse_color['red'] = ['apple', 'ruby']; # uglyish, assigning list to

 and there are many other ways to do this, but they all seem kludgey.

 Is there a clean way to add 'relation' support to Perl, Ruby, or PHP?

 Is there a language that handles mathematical relations

 I realize SQL does all this and more, but that seems like overkill for
 something this simple?

 We're just a Bunch Of Regular Guys, a collective group that's trying
 to understand and assimilate technology. We feel that resistance to
 new ideas and technology is unwise and ultimately futile.

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Re: [PHP] Arbitrary mathematical relations, not just hashes

2008-04-06 Thread Greg Bowser
(sorry I just hit send on a blank email; I'm absent-minded)

First, in the strictest mathematical sense, a relation from a set $a to a
set $b is a subset of the cross-product $a x $b.

(obviously, the mathematical notation is not a great way to represent this
in a program.)

Hence, a relation is a set of ordered pairs: array(array('apple','red'),
array('ruby','red')) is a relation from the objects to the colors.

For a relation R from A to B, the inverse relation is defined by (b,a) for
all a in A and B in b.

Thus, the inverse relation of  objects ~ colors would be:

array(array('red','apple'), array('red','ruby')).

A function is a special case of a relation: functions have the property that
if a in A is related to b in B by the relation R and a is related to c by
the relation R, then a = c.

It follows that mathematically, there is no function f:color-object.

As you suggest, each element of the relation colors~objects relation must
return a list in order to be a function.

So... How does SQL solve this problem?

SQL has indexes.  You have a list of objects:

$objects = array(
 'type' = 'fruit',
 'color' = 'red'
 'name' = 'ruby',
 'type' = 'gem',
 'color' = 'red'

Given a type, you would like to find all objects with that type.  One way to
accomplish this might be:

function locate($property,$value,$objects) {
   $return = array();
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if ($object[$property] == $value)
 $return[] = $objects;
   return $return;

Obviously, the time increased to complete a search will increase with the
size of the $objects array.  This is where the indexes come in:  Suppose we
would like to easily be able to locate an object given a color, a type, or
its name:

//array, indexed by $property. Each element is an array of numbers, n,
corresponding to $objects[n].
$indexes = array();

//properties to index
$keys = array('color','type','name');

foreach ($keys as $key)
$indexes[$key] = array();

//this accomplishes the same thing as array_flip() ;)
foreach ($objects as $n = $object) foreach ($keys as $key) {
 if (!isset($indexes[$key][$object[$key]]))
   $indexes[$key][$object[$key]] = array();

 $indexes[$key][$object[$key]][] = $n;

The above produces the following array:
[color] = Array
[red] = Array
[0] = 0
[1] = 1


[type] = Array
[fruit] = Array
[0] = 0

[gem] = Array
[0] = 1


[name] = Array
[apple] = Array
[0] = 0

[ruby] = Array
[0] = 1



Conceptually, this is all SQL does.

Anyway... I wouldn't actually do any of that in an application. I'd probably
go with what Casey suggested.


Disclaimer: The above is intended only to be conceptual. Any attempt at
parsing may fail. Technical accuracy is not guaranteed.

P.S. Sorry for the math. I was bored :p

  However, I can't easily find all items whose $color is 'red', nor all
  items whose $type is 'fruit'. In other words, color() and type()
  aren't full mathematical relations.

  Of course, I could create the inverse function as I go along:

  $inverse_color['red'] = ['apple', 'ruby']; # uglyish, assigning list to

By definition, not all relations are functions, nor all functions

The function inverse_color(object) specifies more than

What you're referring to sounds like an index: given an object, you can easi
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Kelly Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Many programming languages (including Perl, Ruby, and PHP) support
   $color['apple'] = 'red';
   $color['ruby'] = 'red';
   $type['apple'] = 'fruit';
   $type['ruby'] = 'gem';
   This quickly lets me find the color or type of a given item.
   In this sense, color() and type() are like mathematical functions.
   However, I can't easily find all items whose $color is 'red', nor all
   items whose $type is 'fruit'. In other words, color() and type()
   aren't full mathematical relations.
   Of course, I could create the inverse function as I go along:
   $inverse_color['red'] = ['apple', 'ruby']; # uglyish, assigning list to
   and there are many other ways to do this, but they all seem kludgey.
   Is there a clean way to add 'relation' support to Perl, Ruby, or PHP?
   Is there a language that handles mathematical relations
   I realize SQL does all this and more, but that seems like overkill for
   something this simple?

Re: [PHP] How to jump to line number in large file

2008-04-04 Thread Greg Bowser
 fseek($handle, 1, SEEK_CUR); // or fseek($handle, $pos)
  $t = fgetc($handle);

This probably won't help you, but given a quick glance, it looks like you're
incrementing the file pointer by 2 positions on each iteration of your while
loop. The fgetc() function returns the character at the current position and
increments the file pointer by 1.

I haven't tried this, but perhaps using strpos would be faster? Use strpos
to seek to find the first \n, then use the offset parameter to seek to the
second, and so on, until strpos() returns false.


[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] php4 to php5

2008-04-03 Thread Greg Bowser
Sounds like you're talking about the register_globals functionality. It's a
php.ini setting that will cause $_POST['foo'] or $_GET['foo'] to be copied
to the global variable $foo. This is somewhat of a security risk, thus
disabled by default.

There's another superglobal array that you might find useful: $_REQUEST.
$_REQUEST consists of variables from $_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE (in that order, I


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 6:40 PM, ioannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I suppose I am behind the time in migrating from php4 to 5.  That said, my
 main problem is getting variables recognised.  I can see how to do it - you
 need to identify all the variables that could be sent from the page and then
 assign a name, as in $myvar=$_GET['myvar'] and ditto for POST variables if
 any.  Is there a function to convert all get and post variables to $_GET and
 $_POST, or is that a security concern?  The further I have got is this:

 function php5($var) {
   if(ISSET($_POST[$var])$_POST[$var]) {
   } else {
   return $newvar;


 however I would like to do this for all variable, I tried iterating
 through the $_GET and $_POST arrays but could not get it to work.

 Anyway the main reason I am writing is:

 - where the web page form uses the POST method, but there are parameters
 in the URL after the ? sign, these 'get' parameters seem to stay there when
 you submit the form from eg input type=submit button.  So, let's say the
 script will add a line if addlines=y, if before you submit the form you have
 ?addline=y in the URL you will continue to add lines according to the script
 even though there is no hidden variable on the page called 'addline',
 because every time you submit the form with POST you have addline=y in the
 URL - if the script looks at GET variables then this will feed into the
 script.  This does not seem to happen with php4 - if the page does not
 submit an 'addline' variable from a form field, it will not feed into the
 script.  So what's the rationale for that (the URL submitting the variables)
 and what is the usual solution?  The problem arises on this particular page
 because of a mix of buttons, some are javascript and send the addline=y with


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Re: [PHP] Array and Object

2008-03-24 Thread Greg Bowser
Take a look at array_walk(), array_walk_recursive(), array_map() in the PHP

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:04 PM, tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 10:23 AM -0700 3/24/08, VamVan wrote:
 Well anyways please let me handle the problems with
At 10:00 AM -0700 3/24/08, VamVan wrote:
I cannot do that. because Simple xml element retrieves everything in
UTF8. I need to decode it to latin1 for comparison with another
Unless there is something here that I don't understand, there is no
decoding UTF-8 to Latin1
Latin1 is a subset of UTF-8 -- what you find (characters) in Latin 1
is the same as in UTF-8.
If you have a code point (character) that lies outside of the range
of Latin 1, then there is no solution.

 I'm not stopping you.

 When you figure out how to decode UTF-8 to Latin, I would like to see it.




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Re: [PHP] Array and Object

2008-03-24 Thread Greg Bowser
That top post was totally not I... It was my roommate playing with my
computer *nods*.

Re: [PHP] De-Duplicate A Query Result List

2008-03-23 Thread Greg Bowser
Sounds like you want something like the following:

SELECT DISTINCT category FROM `contacts` WHERE state='california';


Re: [PHP] strange list behavior when replying to message on list

2008-03-22 Thread Greg Bowser
Yeah.  I always forget to reply to all.

The problem is with the headers.  Whereas other lists have a reply-to:
mailing list address in the email headers, this list does not.  It annoys
the hell out of me.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm wondering if anyone else happens to be using Mozilla Thunderbird and
 seeing this behavior, and also if this behavior is a feature or a bug.

 When I hit the reply button to respond to a message most of the time the
 actual sender's address is the one the message is being sent to rather
 than the list itself. This is the first mailing list I've been on that
 I've seen this behavior; all other lists I'm on when one hits the reply
 button, or CTRL+R the mailing list's address is inserted as it should be
 and is expected.

 I know with some email clients there is a menu item specifically there
 for responding to the list based on whether or not there is a
 list-header in the header information but that isn't an available option
 with Thunderbird. Is anyone else seeing this behavior or is there
 something I'm missing?


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Re: [PHP] PHP 5 file_get_contents() problems

2008-03-18 Thread Greg Bowser
The actual setting is allow_url_fopen.  allow_url_include controls whether
or not you can use a remote URL as an include (however, if allow_url_fopen
is off, then allow_url_include will also be off.)

The short answer to your question is: yes, there is a way. Several ways, in
fact. You could use curl, or you could use an Http client written in php.
The latter involves using either the socket_ or the fsocket functions.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've encountered a situation where under PHP 5 the file_get_contents()
 function will not work properly (actually not at all) if the php.ini
 Filesystem configuration parameter, allow_url_include is set to OFF.
 According to the PHP documentation allow_url_include is intended to
 limiting PHP from accessing scripts on other servers.

 I have read posts that suggest setting allow_url_include to ON as
 a solution. Well that's great if you have the ability to modify your
 php.ini. But what if you have an account on a shared hosting system
 and the hosting company will NOT make the requested change?

 Is there a work around to this or how would one access remote web services
 if allow_url_include is OFF. This looks like a huge problem since many
 services, like PayPal's IPN and Google maps geocoding, rely on
 with their servers.


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Re: [PHP] PHP 5 file_get_contents() problems

2008-03-18 Thread Greg Bowser
for security reasons, allow_url_include can only be set from the main

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Thijs Lensselink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quoting Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I've encountered a situation where under PHP 5 the file_get_contents()
  function will not work properly (actually not at all) if the php.ini
  Filesystem configuration parameter, allow_url_include is set to OFF.
  According to the PHP documentation allow_url_include is intended to
  limiting PHP from accessing scripts on other servers.
  I have read posts that suggest setting allow_url_include to ON as
  a solution. Well that's great if you have the ability to modify your
  php.ini. But what if you have an account on a shared hosting system
  and the hosting company will NOT make the requested change?
  Is there a work around to this or how would one access remote web
  if allow_url_include is OFF. This looks like a huge problem since many
  services, like PayPal's IPN and Google maps geocoding, rely on
  with their servers.

 Try ini_set(allow_url_include, 1); In your script. (not tested)

 If that doesn't help. You can use CURL for this :

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Re: [PHP] Php warning message

2008-02-20 Thread Greg Bowser

 *$boardFile = MessageBoard.txt;
 $boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,r);
 for ($counter = 1; !feof($boardFileHandle); $counter += 1) {
  $colorLine = fgets(boardFilehandle);
  if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
  echo font color='00ff00'$colorline/font;
  } else {
  echo $colorline;

 Looks like you're missing a $ on line 4:
 $colorLine = fgets(boardFilehandle);

Should be
 $colorLine = fgets($boardFilehandle);

I may be showing my ignorance here... But on your if ($counter % 2
==0) line what does the % do? Was that possibly a typo?

It's the modulus operator; he's trying to make every other line a different
color. :)

-- Greg