
Not sure if this is the right place to post for this but wanted to give it a
try. I work for CFN in South San Francisco and we are looking to add one
more talented PHP Application Developer to our small fun team. We are a
stable private NON start-up NON dot.com (means not looking for 2nd round VC
to pay our bills:) company working in the oil industry providing financial
services to independent oil marketers. Might not sound very exciting but our
technology is and this industry is a trillion dollar industry with no end in
This position is full time employment with great benefits, telecommute
possibility and with good career growth potential.
Requirements are only solid fundamental knowledge of OOP and at least one
year developing Apps in PHP.

If this is the wrong place to post just a postions, I would appreciate any
help to re-direct.

Thank you,


Greg Landis
Snr Recruiter/CFN
650 616-3318

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