[PHP] Please help me with a query

2006-06-13 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
First of all I'm sorry for my english I don't know speak very well, I will 
try to explain it, I hope you understain what I need.

I have two tables: centers and peoples, in table centers I have the centers 
values and in table peoples I have the peoples values and in table columns 
center the id corresponding the center.

id  nameccorreoc   telc
1 Cienfuegos  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  4534345
2   Havana [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4643765
3  Santiago[EMAIL PROTECTED]  3453453

idnamed   center  correod 
1 Albert  1   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
3 Sussan 2  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And the query and script to generate the tables for each centers list is:

$centers = mysql_query(SELECT namec FROM centers ORDER BY idc asc, 

while ($centerss = mysql_fetch_array($centers, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
  echo table border=1;
   echo tr;
   echo td width=265 height=20 align=center 
   echo td width=265 height=20 align=center valign=middlea 
   echo td width=265 height=20 align=center 

   echo /tr;
   echo /tablep/p;

That's generate one table with one row and three columns for each center, 
but, I would like to generate more rows and 3 columns in each table with the 
named, correod and cargod of peoples corresponding the center, I mean, print 
the centers values with the peoples corresponding this center, in one table 
each one.

I hope you understaind what I need, if not polease let me know.

regards Alain

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[PHP] arrays

2006-06-09 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
if I have two arrays, example:

$a = array (one, two, three, four, two);

$b = array (seven, one, three, six, five);

How can I get in another variable a new array with the same elements into $a 
and $b.
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[PHP] Hosting php help

2006-04-26 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Please I need a free hosting with php and mysql, and sendmail active.
If you know any site, please send to me the address.

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[PHP] URL problem

2006-02-17 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
I have a following directory:
- folder (site)
   - folder (example)

the url to this directory will be: http://www.example.com/site/index.php
but I need redirect with: header() function to the index.php inside the folder 
example without the url change
I mean, I want to keep the same url but diferent directory
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2005-12-30 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Happy New Year for all. 
I weish you the best in this new 2006. 
Regards. Alain
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[PHP] I want to know if some link is online

2005-10-09 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
I would like to know if a web is online, a have this code:


$vivo = verde.gif;
$muerto = rojo.gif;

$enlinea = fopen($enlace, r);
 if (!$enlinea){
header(Location: $muerto);
 else {
   header(Location: $vivo);

In other page  I hve this:


img src=estado.php?enlace=http://www.cfg.jovenclub.cu;

Somebody can tell me what it's wrong, because the image did not
show, of course that the pages and bouth image are in the same
Please any suggestion

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[PHP] mysql query

2005-09-14 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
I have a table colum in mysql with two fields: day and month. I
would like to know if it's possible to make a query where I can
determine if exist days before to a selected day, for example:
if I have in my table:
day 19 - month 05, I wish to know if there are previous days
inserted at the 19, the days they are not inserted in the table,
they are inserted according your selection, what I want to get is
that every time that you insert a day, I want to check if there
are days previous to the one already inserted in the table in the
same month, in case that there are not them then they owe you
to insert together with the one selected,
I wait they understand me what I want:
I work php/mysql.

sorry for my english i'm cuban
Thank you and excuse the nuisances

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[PHP] edit $variable online?

2005-08-16 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Hi, I have in a php page one ($variable = 85), I woud like to change the
value from this variable online, without any data base, for example ussing
a form where I can put the new value and it change the value of the

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[PHP] Insert one or many chekbox values in a db mysql

2005-08-09 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Hi, I have 5 chekboxes in a page, I would like insert the values of all
chekboxes checked in a mysql db.

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[PHP] help with a bucle

2005-08-02 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Hi, i have in my mysql db one table columm, some think like this:


How can i print all the value from 'reporte' columm depending the 'day'
columm, and if there is not exist a day print 0 value, for example:

day 1 - reporte 45
day 2 - reporte 56
day 3 - 0
day 4 - reporte 78
day 5 - 0

Sorry for my english

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[PHP] help with print value

2005-07-30 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Sorry for my english, i'm cuban, it's dificult for me explain that in
english but I'll try:

 I have a table columns: month, day  and value

7 156
7 334
8 450
9 578
. . .
. . .

I need to get the value for every day, for example:
for day 1 the value is 56
for day 3 the value is 67
for day 4 the value is 50

did you understain, please helpe me

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[PHP] help with ORDER BY query

2005-07-29 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
I have a query:

$query = mysql_query(SELECT event FROM table WHERE month = 'x' ORDER BY
day ASC);

I have all days of the month insert in day field: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...

when I print the query:
if ($query_r = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
 do {
  echo td width='8%'.$query_r['event']./td\n;
   } while ($query_r = mysql_fetch_array($query));
   echo /tr \n;
   } else {
echo No se encontraron registros;

It print all result of the query, less day 1
What it's the problem

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[PHP] print value from db

2005-07-29 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Hi, I have a table with:

month, day, year, value

I need to print every value corresponding to a day, for example:

value[day1], if exist..
value[day2], if exist..


It is possible?

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[PHP] function MAX with WHERE

2005-07-24 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
I have someting like this:

$test = mysql_query(SELECT MAX(dato) AS datos FROM tabla WHERE campo_mes
= '$mes');
$test_m = mysql_fetch_array($test);
$test_mes = $test_m['datos'];

print $test_mes

where $mes is a value
I need to know if something its wrong, because I don't recive any error,
but I see nothing

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[PHP] Don't ejecute a sentence if a field is empty

2005-07-23 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Hello I'm new:
I need to know how can I stop a php sentence if my db is empty, for example
I have writed a php sentence, if every fields from mmy db are full, there
is no problem, but I delete every values from the all fields in my db when
I ejecute my script mysql give me an error, Ej:

$fecha = mysql_query(SELECT event_day, event_month, event_year FROM
$db_table WHERE event_title = $dia_maximo);
$fecha_max = mysql_fetch_array($fecha);
$fecha_maxima = $fecha_max['event_day'];
$diames_maximo = $fecha_max['event_month'];

wehen I ejecute the script the error message is it:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in /home/www/cfg/prueba/calendar_este2/index.php on line

sorry for my english, I'm cuban

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