I have a simple php download script that streams a non-web-accessible file
to the browser using this generally accepted method:

         header("Expires: 0");
         header("Cache-Control: private");
         header("Content-Type: application/save");
         header("Content-Length: ".filesize($total) );
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$file_Path);
         header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
         $fh = fopen($total, "rb");

        While it works, this is fairly useless in my situation where files range
from 5mb to over 100mb, because due to fpassthru() or readfile() or whatever
method used to stream the data to the recipient, the 'save as'/'open' dialog
doesn't open until the entire file has been downloaded. This is very
impractical since the user has no clue how much has been downloaded / how
much longer is left, not to mention that on very large files (~75mb) apache
will actually freeze up and become unresponsive to all users (sending cpu
usage to 100%) for nearly 10 minutes or more, assumedly because it is still
reading the file (regardless of whether the 'stop' button has been clicked
or not).

        With the last 2 lines commented out (fopen() and fpassthru()), the save-as
dialog opens instantly.. is there any way fopen/fpassthru() could be delayed
until after the user chooses to open or save the file ? How would you guys
go about handling large file downloads while keeping the files themselves
non-web-accessible (aka not a direct link/redirector)?

        Any help would be appreciated.

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