Re: [PHP] Reading mime attachments into a rdbms

2001-05-03 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

I did a bit of research on the same subject a couple months back for an
upcomming project. I still have not gotten to it so wont have to many
specifics for you, but what I would recommend is NOT using php for this
task. I would say your best bet, assuming a unix install, is to use
procmail to filter mail and remove attachments to a given directory.
Procmail will need help from something like metamail to decode the
attachment and save it. Then have PHP do the work of putting the file
into the DB. Just my 2 cents.

Mattias Segerdahl wrote:
 Good morning,
 I've been trying to find out how to use IMAP to read attachments from the
 MIME E-Mail and save them on the filesystem and later transfer them into a
 RDBMS, the problem I have at the moment is that I have no clue what so ever
 how to do this, I've tried using imap_headerinfo and other imap_command to
 check if anything show up in the given ARRAY or OBJECT that will show that
 the mail contains an attachment. But I havn't been able to do this so far. I
 bet there are hundreds of you out there that probably has done that same
 thing that could help me and guide me to what I should look for, this is in
 a bit of a hurry. And since I've been trying to solve this problem myself
 and tried not to bother the list with this, I really do need the help now.
 So, if anyone could spare a few minutes of their time and give me some
 guidelines, I would really love it.
 I know that I should look for #$message .= (Content-Disposition:
 attachment; filename=) in some way, but I don't know how, or where to go
 from there.
 Thanks in advance,
 // Mattias
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Larry Hotchkiss
Universal Capital

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Re: [PHP] --enable-trans-sid and forms

2001-04-27 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Its my understanding that PHP appends the SID on the end of the URL
regardless of weather its a form or not. If thats not happening for you,
check your php.ini and make sure you have session.use_trans_sid enabled.

Boget, Chris wrote:
 If you have PHP compiled with --enable-trans-sid,
 are the URLs that are part of the form's action supposed
 to be modified to include the SID?  So far that's not
 been happening and I just want to verify that this is
 expected behavior.

Larry Hotchkiss
Universal Capital

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[PHP] update form design question.

2001-04-25 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Basically I am just trolling for some thoughts on how others may
accomplish this task.

I have a mysql database. In the database I of course have records.
These records have a date field and after so many days I have a script
to delete old records. Now, there are often times when a user will want
to refresh one or more records and also delete one or more as well and
possibly not do anything to other records.

My initial thought was to have thier records displayed with 2
checkboxes, one to check to delete the record and one to check to
refresh(renew the record by setting the date field to the current date).
Not checking either will simply do nothing to the record in question. 

Most users will have anywhere from 50 to 3000 records and 3k records
would be a little unwieldy to display on one page which brought up a
concern for how to handle the processing of the previous page of records
when you head to the next. Should I update the DB as I move to the next
page or perhaps after all pages are viewed? 

Anyways, any thoughts, ideas and or suggestions are all welcome.
Larry H

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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions Problem

2001-04-20 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Thats very interesting. I normally use Netscape 4.7 myself, I find 6 to
be a resource hog and just plain slow. I tried your site and as you
pointed out, with 4.7 the registered var does not show. Yet, when I fire
up IE all works fine. I guess what I find strange is that I am using
sessions on a site I am working on right now. I have cookies off since I
was getting strange behavior depending on OS and browser so I opted just
to pass SID with URL as well. I register a handfull of session vars and
on my site everything works fine with all the browsers (4.7 included).

Luke Muszkiewicz wrote:
 Hey Folks:
 I am using PHP sessions in IE 5.5 and NN 6 successfully, but I am not able
 to retrieve the data from my registered variables in Communicator 4.7. I am
 passing the session ID via SID and have turned off cookies in each browser
 to simplify testing, although Communicator 4.7 doesn't work with cookies
 enabled either.
 Research shows that with Communicator 4.7 the session ID is being carried
 from one page to the next successfully; however, the registered variables
 are not. Outside of the page where they are set and registered, they are
 not registered nor set even though the session ID is carried successfully.
 session.save_path is set to /tmp. When I start a session in Communicator
 4.7, the session file is created in /tmp but it contains no data. When
 using IE 5.5 or NN 6, the session file does contain the serialized data for
 the registered variables, and everything works as it should.
 So, it looks like the problem is that in Communicator 4.7, the serialized
 data is not being successfully written to the session file in /tmp. Has
 anyone dealt with this problem?

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[PHP] regex and mysql - looking for opinions.

2001-04-18 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Im working on a site utilizing apaches/mysqp and of course php. Im
working through the basic framwork creating forms to collect user input
and do various searches etc. I was curious as to what most people find
the best way keep thier mysql queries from getting messed up by user
entered data. None of my searches or database data has or needs any sort
of punctuation, so I was thinking of striping it all out from form
input. What method is everyone else using?

Larry H.

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Re: [PHP] PHP and Double?

2001-04-18 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

There are prolly a few ways to do it, using split() may be easiest.

Jason Caldwell wrote:
 how can i separate the digits in a Double number?
 for example:
 if i have 3.2 i would like to separate the digits into 3 and 2 and assign
 each to its own variable, like so
 numb1 = 3
 numb2 = 2
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Larry Hotchkiss
Universal Capital

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[PHP] php sessions and proxies.

2001-04-16 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Here is the scenario. I have a pure html form where a user login and
pass is gathered and sent to a php script via the post method. The php
script authenticates against a DB starts a session and uses the header
function to send a header with the sessionid back to the browser.
Everything works fine and as expected with one catch. While testing, I
have accessed the site through a few different proxies. Through an
AS/400 proxie, everything is fine. Through another NT proxie everything
is fine, but when I try and access it through a novel proxy something
falls apart. I am assuming that the data is reaching the script fine
since other forms can be posted through the proxie. I am thinking the
proxie is screwing up the returned header with the session id attached.
Has anyone else encountered this phenomenon before?

Larry H

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Re: [PHP] php 4.04pl 1-3 for red hat 7

2001-03-26 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

I treid running configure with all the current config options. First
time through it puked at apxs so, after a little research, installed the
apache devel rpm to get apxs. Configure was chugging right along but
failed. It got pased system checks, started "configuring extensions" and
then failed. It reported "cannot find necessary header files". I am sure
I just need some devel software installed or have an incorrect path, but
what is the best way to figure out which header is missing or not

Larry Hotchkiss wrote:
 Thanks. I just grabbed the source and am looking over it. The way the
 red hat RPM is configed is perfect for me except for the exclusion of
 enable-trans-sid. Am I correct in assuming in addition to using
 --enable-trans-sid that I should also use the current config options
 displayed by phpinfo() ?
 Larry H.
 "..s.c.o.t.t.. [gts]" wrote:
  (replace php. with whatever the PHP
  tarball is named)
  at the prompt (you dont need to be root) type:
  tar xvfz php.tar.gz
  cd php.
  ./configure --enable-trans-sid
  make test
  if you didnt get any errors, then (as root) type:
  make install

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[PHP] sessions and javascript.

2001-03-26 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Running linux RH 7, apache and php 4.04 as a module. I have a web
pagewith an image that is chopped up and regrouped into a table. There
are a few spots on the image that link (a href="") to other pages and I
use some javascript for rollovers. Now, within the table, I have two
input fields and I have another word which is part of the larger image
that the user clicks to submit the form. This is done with input
type="image" src="xxx". The image can be clicked which in turn calls a
login script, if the form data is found in the database a session is
started and a few session vars are registered. The SID is passed along
with the URL and everything works fine. My sticking spot is that I would
like the image that is used as the "submit" button for the form to also
use "MouseOver". In my above outline, the image works fine as a submit
button, but I am afraid people may not think to click there to submit
thier login info.

I tried the following javascript to the form page which gives me my
"mouseOver" functionality but thats where it stops. 

function sub()


a href="javascript: sub()" onMouseOver="if(document.images)
document.logo211.src='5x2over.gif';" onMouseOut="if(document.images)
document.logo211.src='5x2.gif';"img SRC="5x2.gif" NAME="logo211"
BORDER=0 height=20 width=79/a

My login script creates a session and then uses header()(and I append
the SID) to forward the user to the main page where I again issue
"session_start" to continue the session. In the browser, after pressing
the submit image it just stays there, but on the server I am having two
sessions created. I presume one for the loging script and another when
session_start is called on the main page. One session contains the
appropriate registered vars but apparently the SID is not being passed
from the login script to the main page. The only thing I have played
with is the form, not the login script or the main page. When I dont use
javascript for submitting the form everything works fine, yet when I
implement javascript to submit the form it ceases to function. Anyone
have any ideas?  
Larry Hotchkiss

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Re: [PHP] php 4.04pl 1-3 for red hat 7

2001-03-23 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Thanks. I just grabbed the source and am looking over it. The way the
red hat RPM is configed is perfect for me except for the exclusion of
enable-trans-sid. Am I correct in assuming in addition to using
--enable-trans-sid that I should also use the current config options
displayed by phpinfo() ?

Larry H.

"..s.c.o.t.t.. [gts]" wrote:
 (replace php. with whatever the PHP
 tarball is named)
 at the prompt (you dont need to be root) type:
 tar xvfz php.tar.gz
 cd php.
 ./configure --enable-trans-sid
 make test
 if you didnt get any errors, then (as root) type:
 make install

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[PHP] php 4.04pl 1-3 for red hat 7

2001-03-22 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Ok, I am working on a site where I would like to use sessions but NOT
cookies. I would also like to have the sessions automatically appended
to URL but I have a few questions. The current php rpm distribution was
not compiled with --enable-trans-sid (according to phpinfo.php), am I
correct in assuming I need to recompile? If that is the case, can
someone recommend a good "how-to" to walk me through it. I have no
experience with compiling at all.

Larry H

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[PHP] cancel

2001-02-01 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.

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[PHP] imap (nntp) message tracking

2001-01-31 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Can anyone recommend a good (eficient) way of tracking downloaded
(read) messages from a nntp server? I would like to run a script to
retrieve a couple news groups and archive them, but I am unsure as to
the best method of tracking which messages I have. I will likely be
storing messages in mysql databse and I am using php4. I have been
playing with a little code and can retrieve a list of messages as well
as the headers/body etc, I am just unsure how to track message status.
ANyone have any ideas?

Larry Hotchkiss

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Re: [PHP] connecting to AS400 DB2

2001-01-31 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Its my understanding that you use the odbc functions to access db/2
400. I also recall reading that the db2/400 functionality is true db2
functionality and does not use the generic odbc layer even though it is
grouped in. Apparently its smart enough to know. Depending on where you
got your windows ver of php, you should just be able to uncomment the
line in your php.ini so it can use odbc and make sure the extension path
is set correctly.
Larry Hotchkiss

"Conover, Ryan" wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone as successfully pulled info from a DB2 Database on
 As400. My enviroment is
 Win2K server/php4.0.4/ZendOptimizer/IIS5. I was wondering how I could
 directly query the AS400. Or would it be wiser to pull the info from the
 AS400 into MSSQL Server.  I was wondering how I would do either of these
 Ryan Conover

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[PHP] PHP_SELF - silly question

2001-01-23 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Im a little brain fried today and I have a silly question. I have a
script (imagine that huh?) that I want to pull some code out of and put
in a function that is contained in a seperate file. The function however
inlcudes some lines with $PHP_SELF in a link (a href). When I remove the
code from the running script and include it in a function file seperate
from the script the function works fine as far as generating links etc,
but when the link that includes $PHP_SELF is selected, the file of the
running script is not passed.

So in other words, when I have my function code in my running script, it
generates some links that limit a query on a mysql database and pass
data to PHP_SELF, the passed URL looks like this (for example):

But, when I move the code to create the links externally into a
function, the link I end up with is like this:

Can someone shed some light on the best way to handle this?

Larry H.

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Re: [PHP] PHP_SELF - silly question

2001-01-23 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

Yep, thats it, I knew it was a stupid question. I already had a few
globals assigned in the function, dont know why I didnt think to ad
PHP_SELF as well. Thanks.

Krznaric Michael wrote:
 You may have to declare PHP_SELF as global.  Take a look at
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Hotchkiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:21 PM
 Subject: [PHP] PHP_SELF - silly question
 Im a little brain fried today and I have a silly question. I have a
 script (imagine that huh?) that I want to pull some code out of and put
 in a function that is contained in a seperate file. The function however
 inlcudes some lines with $PHP_SELF in a link (a href). When I remove the
 code from the running script and include it in a function file seperate
 from the script the function works fine as far as generating links etc,
 but when the link that includes $PHP_SELF is selected, the file of the
 running script is not passed.
 So in other words, when I have my function code in my running script, it
 generates some links that limit a query on a mysql database and pass
 data to PHP_SELF, the passed URL looks like this (for example):
 But, when I move the code to create the links externally into a
 function, the link I end up with is like this:
 Can someone shed some light on the best way to handle this?
 Larry H.

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[PHP] mysql index (semi ot)

2001-01-11 Thread Larry Hotchkiss

I am developing a site with php, apache and mysql. The database will have 
likely 250k to 500k records at most, but the data will be changing often. 
New records will be constantly added and old ones removed. I am pretty new 
to DB's and was wondering what is the best way to keep the indexes tight 
and clean? How do others handle this type of scenario? Could I run a 
reindex or something from a cron job? Thanks for any input.

Larry Hotchkiss

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