Re: [PHP] Encryption Advice

2006-05-20 Thread Lawrence Kennon
--- Rory Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's better if, when it comes to time 
> to checkout, you redirect your client
> to your Payment Service Providers (PSP's) 
> website, your PSP processes the payment, 
> and redirects the client back to your 
> site. The PSP would then contact you 
> directly to confirm the payment.
> That way there is no CC info on your 
> server for you to protect.

I really appreciate all the advice people have given.
So the following questions are designed to try to
fully understand the scenario and what the customer
sees from their viewpoint.

The site that I am trying to fix is absolutely awful
right now. It is certainly not a high volume site,
although I do think if properly designed it could do a
lot more business than it does. It is the site of a
self-published author and I think most people who buy
his books go to Amazon to buy them because the
shopping cart is so bad (he did it himself years ago,
and he is not any kind of web designer or programmer).

The site uses the Hassan Shopping Cart which is a Perl
script. Looking at the script it appears that it can
support some sort of credit card authorization. But
the way he has it set up now it just writes each order
to a plain text file in a "secure" subdirectory
(obviously a very bad idea) and sends him an email
that tells him he has an order on the site to process.
His hosting site is discontinuing support for the
Hassan Shopping Cart, but does support Cardservice

So let's say that I want to integrate a shopping cart
with a PSP, right up to the moment they get to the
checkout, they see my client's URL. They hit the
"Checkout" button and then they will see the URL of
the PSP? Then once they place the order then they are
redirected back to my client's site and see that URL
again? Is that an accurate description of how it
works? Do you normally have control over the "look and
feel" of how the checkout looks on the PSP site?

Excuse me if these are really basic questions, but I
haven't done this before. :)

Thanks again,

Lawrence Kennon

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Re: [PHP] Encryption Advice

2006-05-19 Thread Lawrence Kennon
--- Koen Martens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But your unencrypted data is there, so someone could
> possibly snoop
> that from the insecure memory.

This is true. 

I am going to ask the hosting company to setuid gpg as
root. That should solve one problem (from gpg docs):

"This is necessary to lock memory pages. Locking
memory pages prevents the operating system from
writing them to disk and thereby keeping your secret
keys really secret."

But just out of curiousity, let's assume you are
running a shopping cart which takes credit cards and
passes them on to whomever approves them and you don't
_ever_ write this info to files. Aren't you also
vulnerable to someone being able to "snoop memory" on
your process for sensitive information?

I mean at some point some program on the server has to
take the customer's credit card, and that info is in
memory somewhere until you get the approval. Isn't
that true?


Lawrence Kennon

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RE: [PHP] Encryption Advice

2006-05-19 Thread Lawrence Kennon
Re: Encryption Advice

First off, thanks to the folks who replied with
advice. I am mulling over your advice (and I greatly
appreciate it!). I have been doing PHP programming for
a couple years, including secure sites, but this is my
first ecommerce venture, so I am trying to learn as
much as I can. Also it is for a friend and I figure
the learning is my payment. :)

In regards to GNU Privacy Guard (gpg), I did actually
manage to get that to work in the hosting environment
(without the help of the hosting support folks! :). I
use a directive to tell gpg to not warn me about
"using insecure memory" but since no private keys
reside on this host I think I can safely ignore that
(they can't steal what is not there).

The real difficulty is that the httpd process runs as
an id different than my logon account and I have no
shell access. What I did to get around that was to
create a subdirectory .gnupg from my html root and
ftp'd my pubring.gpg (public key ring) and trustdb.gpg
(trust database) into that subdirectory. I secured
that wide open (after all, it is a _public_ keyring)
cause otherwise gpg will fail. 

Then I coded the php program to send a command like
this using shell_exec:

/usr/bin/gpg -a -e -r 'mykeyname' --no-default-keyring
--keyring /home/users/web/myhome/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
--no-secmem-warning /home/users/web/myhome/ayres

In the above the last file "ayres" is the file to
encode and the result of the above is a file ayres.asc
which is encoded and ready to be mailed.

I used the --no-default-keyring and --keyring to point
gpg to the keyrings I ftp'd up to the .gnupg

Anyway that worked, and on downloading the encoded
file I could decode it with the secret key. 

Don't know if I will use this approach yet, but it was
fun to figure out that it could be done! :)

Thanks to all who gave advice! Again, I will give some
thought to that, and I very much appreciate advice
from people who have "been there, done that"! 

Lawrence Kennon

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[PHP] Encryption Advice

2006-05-19 Thread Lawrence Kennon
For an ecommerce site where sensitive data is stored
either in files, or in a database, have you used some
form of encryption to protect your customer's data? 

I have a client who currently uses a Perl scripted
shopping cart that stores orders (including credit
card numbers) in plain text files on a shared server.
The security of these files depends purely on the
user/file system security measures enforced by the
hosting company (which I think is a reasonably good
company, but still I don't see it as being
sufficiently secure).

I am going to rewrite the shopping cart using PHP and
was looking into ways to protect the data. Using GNU
Privacy Guard (gpg) seemed like the ideal method
because I could store the client's public key on the
server to encrypt orders and the customer could then
download the encrypted files and decrypt them on his
PC with his private key (the client manually submits
orders through his "store front" merchant account). I
know this is a somewhat archaic procedure but it works
sufficiently well for this client.

However the hosting company won't support gpg so that
leaves me with PHP mcrypt functions which I think
would work very well, except for on thing - how to
protect the secret key which now has to be on the

Any ideas/suggestions/experience along that line?

Thanks in advance,

Lawrence Kennon 

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Re: [PHP] PHP error tracking on new server

2005-08-09 Thread Lawrence Kennon

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Romine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:03 AM
Subject: [PHP] PHP error tracking on new server

... The problem is that when an error occurs,  the page just comes up 

Does your hosting service give you access to the PHP error log? Mine lists 
it under "CGI Errors" or something like that, but I can go to a web page and 
refresh it and see my PHP errors.


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[PHP] MySQL password file

2005-07-18 Thread Lawrence Kennon
In my current hosting situation I don't have the ability to store my file 
that contains MySQL userids/passwords in a subdirectory that is not under 
the server root. In order to protect it from being included from a foreign 
host I thought up this scheme of using the php_uname function to check that 
it is running on the correct host. Does this look reasonably secure? I am 
not hosting any kind of store, or terribly sensitive data - it will only be 
a bulletin board.

This is the format of my datadef.php file which will be included in my php 
scripts that access the MySQL database.

Thanks for your comments,

Lawrence Kennon

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Re: [PHP] Tired and feeling dumb...maths question....

2005-07-14 Thread Lawrence Kennon do I get the average?

$pic_no_of_votes --- > holds the total number of votes (eg: 212)
$vote_total_pts > holds the total points from all those votes (eg:

how do i get the average down to something like: 3.23 or 1.02 or 4.11 etc

average = 1027 (total pts) / 212 (number of votes) = 4.84 (rounded) 

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Re: [PHP] searching multiple fields

2005-07-14 Thread Lawrence Kennon
>...I want it to do the folowing.
>$query = "SELECT * FROM sheet1 WHERE 'name' or 'area or 'organisation LIKE 

"SELECT * FROM sheet1 WHERE 'name' LIKE '$search_field%'
OR 'organization' LIKE '$search_field%'"


[PHP] PHP error_log format doesn't include timestamp?

2005-07-13 Thread Lawrence Kennon
In looking at my Apache (2.0.52) error log normal errors have a timestamp 
(see below):

 [Wed Jul 13 05:36:07 2005] [error] [client] File does not 
exist: /var/www/thenewagesite/test.html

However PHP generated errors to the Apache error log do not give a 

 [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property:  majorver in 
/var/www/thenewagesite/jjdewey/immortal/chapter1.php on line 15

Is this something I can configure in the php.ini file (to get timestamps on 
PHP errors in the error log)? Note these are _NOT_ errors that I generate 
with my code, but errors that PHP is itself sending to the Apache error_log 
(due to errors _in_ my code :). This may be in the documentation, but I 
haven't been able to find it yet.


Lawrence Kennon

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Re: [PHP] help create community newbie guide to security

2003-11-11 Thread Lawrence Kennon

Chris Shiflett wrote:

> In some cases, the developer may want certain 
> HTML elements interpreted rather than escaped 
> in this way. Perhaps you could mention that 
> something like str_replace() can be used to 
> convert specific HTML entities back to their 
> original form. This method should filter any 
> unwanted elements.

For a BBS I would like to let users post links to various resources. They 'post' a 
message to the BBS via a form and that is stored in a MySQL db, then the content of 
their 'post' is available to other users on the BBS. Currently I strip out all 
PHP/HTML with the strip_tags() function. What I would really like to do is allow a 
limited set of HTML tags (like the anchor  tag) but at the same time implement 
reasonable protection.

In regards specifically to the HTML anchor tag , are their guidelines for what 
should, and should not be allowed? In other words if I simply allow all of these tags 
(implementing the algorithim you mentioned above) are their potential problems with 
that? Or are there specific things I should be looking for with tags?

Thanks for your comments,

Lawrence Kennon


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