[PHP] Re: Freshmeat question

2003-01-21 Thread Martin Thoma
> I am not new to programming, just to scripting languages. I have seen that Perl has 
>some high advanced sintaxes for string processing, for example, but I don't know if 
>the same level can also be achieved in PHP...?

Sorry, I don't know that. I know that Perl has some regular-expressions, but php has 
this, too.

> As for the script below, could I run it inside a (my) browser? This could be in any 

Well, it depends ;-) Generally: Yes. But you have to let a web-browser (like apache) 
process the php-script.


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[PHP] Re: Freshmeat question

2003-01-20 Thread Martin Thoma
Well, it's quite easy: Just write a php-script and start it with php myscript.php. 
Thats all.

You could fetch a web-page with fopen:
$fp = fopen("http://www.mydomain.com/";, "r");
$line = "";
 { $line .= fgets($fp, 4096);
 print $line;

If you are new in programming, I think PHP is easyier to learn than Perl.


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[PHP] Re: simple date question

2003-01-20 Thread Martin Thoma
Hi Adria,

why not just using  $month=date("m")?


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[PHP] Getting https-page

2003-01-20 Thread Martin Thoma

You can easily get an webpage with:
 $fp = fopen("http://www.mydomain.com/";, "r");
 if ($fp) exit;
 { $line .= fgets($fp, 4096);
 print $line;

But this doesn't work with https (SSL). How can I get an https-page?


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[PHP] Which country?

2003-01-20 Thread Martin Thoma

Is there a way to get to know from which country a user is calling the
webside with my php-script?


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[PHP] European "daylight saving" summer-time.

2002-12-29 Thread Martin Thoma

I just want to get the actual date and time which works fine with
date(). The problem is that php doesn't give the european
daylight-saving-time in summer, so the time shown is offset by 1 hour in
summer. It seems that my internet service provider doesn't adjust the
clock of the server to this. How can I avoid this without manually
correct it every spring/autumn?


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Re: [PHP] How to give parameters to a console php-script?

2002-12-02 Thread Martin Thoma
> Martin,
> Ah yes, the famous 'read the upgrade notes - gotcha'!
> Well done, you figured it out...
> =dn

Thanx for your help, it pointed me in the right direction ;-)

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Re: [PHP] How to give parameters to a console php-script?

2002-12-02 Thread Martin Thoma
ll I found a
register_argc_argv = On

in my php.ini, which should work then. But I also found, that I have to use

print "Ok: ".$_SERVER["argv"][1];

instead of
print "Ok: ".$argv[1];


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Re: [PHP] How to give parameters to a console php-script?

2002-12-02 Thread Martin Thoma

> What do argv and argc tell you?
> Is the php.ini file set up so that these variables are shown/valid?

"Undefined variable:  argv" - so I guess this is the problem ;-) What do I
have to change in the php.ini?


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[PHP] How to give parameters to a console php-script?

2002-12-02 Thread Martin Thoma

I start a console app with

php myscript.php4 (just prints "ok").

How can I give parameters to it? I tried:
php myscript.php4 myparameter
php myscript.php4?myparameter
php myscript.php4?param=myparameter

But always php just returns without doing nothing (not even giving an
error or printing "Ok"!) I'm using PHP 4.2.3. on Windows2000).


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[PHP] How to get/wait for user-input?

2002-12-02 Thread Martin Thoma

I'm using a PHP-script as a small console-app. Is the only way to give
parameters to it the $QUERY_STRING, or can I wait for the user to input
something (like scanf in C)? I couldn't find anything in the docs, so
perhaps this is not possible?!


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[PHP] Php "Ready-to-go"

2002-11-04 Thread Martin Thoma

Is there a way to run a php-script on a pc/windows-computer which hasn't
php-installed? I thought of somekind of compiler which creates an .exe,
which embeds the script and the php-environment.


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[PHP] Re: How to send mail with authentification?

2002-11-04 Thread Martin Thoma
Thanx, I will try this.

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[PHP] How to send mail with authentification?

2002-11-04 Thread Martin Thoma

Our SMTP-Server has changed to authentification. Now we cannot send
mails anymore using mail(). How can I set the password in mail?


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Re: [PHP] How to escape " in hidden field?

2002-09-02 Thread Martin Thoma

> Try this with single quotes:

Year, but then I couldn't use single-quotes in the text ;-) The problem is that
the content of the field is inserted by the user, so I cannot say if he uses
single- and/or double-quotes.

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to escape " in hidden field?

2002-09-02 Thread Martin Thoma

> Hi,
> Its really stupid to use that command because there is not any function
> to come back to the real way. You should just addslashes() to it then remove
> them.

Hi Nicos,

unfortunalty, it doesn't work to use stripslashes: When using:

(which is the same the stripslashes would produce), the field gets the value
"Hello ".


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[PHP] Re: How to escape " in hidden field?

2002-09-02 Thread Martin Thoma

> Using the htmlspecialchars() function, so that "Hello \"world\"" will be
> written in pure HTML: "Hello "world""

Thanx a lot! But how do I get it back to 'Hello "world"'? Do I have to do it


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[PHP] How to escape " in hidden field?

2002-09-02 Thread Martin Thoma


I have a simple hidden input-field like

Now sometimes I need to insert " like:

But this makes PHP (or the browser?) cutting of the string after "Hello
". How can I escape the "?


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[PHP] Re: Get Anchor out of Url

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Oh, it seems, that only Netscape 4 is doing this wrong...

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[PHP] Re: Submit code

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

> I am looking for PHP code that will submit (post) a form automaically to a
> ANOTHER php page.  I do not want to press a submit button.  I have found a
> class at PHPClasses but it is too complicated for my needs.  What is the
> simplest way of doing this?  What is the theoretical approach?

I think the only way to submit a form automatically is with JavaScript.

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[PHP] Get Anchor out of Url

2002-07-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I have a page which is called by:

Now I want to get the Anchor "#JumpHere" (which could be different each
time) in mypage.php4.

With PATH_INFO, I only get "/myfolder/mypage.php4";
With QUERY_STRING, I only get "MyVar1=Something&MyVar2=Someother"
With PhpInfo, I couldn't find any "JumpHere".

Any ideas how I can get the anchor in a php-page?


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[PHP] 1 Form, 2 Submit-Buttons

2002-07-11 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I want to make a form (a wizard) which has 2 Submit-Buttons (Back
& Next). The buttons should be images. How can I make php see, which
button has been pressed?


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[PHP] Forum with php

2002-06-19 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I saw a lot of forums (or boards) which looks almost the same and
they are done in php. Is there a free forum-software in php?


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Re: [PHP] Bot?!

2002-06-04 Thread Martin Thoma

Well, the bot should work on a webpage and obviously php would be the best

> And what exactly has this got to do with PHP?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Martin Thoma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 3:14 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Bot?!
> > Hello! Perhaps you know the programms called "Bot", which allows the
> > user to ask questions just by writing it in natural speak or which
> > guides the user in some process. I wonder if there is a (free?) solution
> > of this somewhere in the net.
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> >
> >
> >

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[PHP] Bot?!

2002-06-03 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! Perhaps you know the programms called "Bot", which allows the
user to ask questions just by writing it in natural speak or which
guides the user in some process. I wonder if there is a (free?) solution
of this somewhere in the net.


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Re: [PHP] Stdout to file

2002-05-13 Thread Martin Thoma

> man tee

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[PHP] Stdout to file

2002-05-13 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! How is it possible to change the standard-output temporarly to a
file? I want to put the output of a script in 2 different files, so it
is not possible to use php myscript.php4 > file.txt.


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[PHP] Free array

2002-05-10 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I'm working with an array (about 20 MB), which is shifted to
several other arrays and so on. When I shift a array to another, I don't
need to source-array anymore. PHP is able to handle 2 of the arrays, but
by using more, I get errors about allocating memory. How can I tell PHP
to release to not-used arrays? I didn't find anything like delete or


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[PHP] Problem with object

2002-05-10 Thread Martin Thoma


I have an object:
class Entry
{  var $ip;
var $host;

Which is stored in an array:
$aLines = array();
array_push($aLines, new Entry($ip)); // Do this several times

Now I want to resolve the hostname from ip adresses:
foreach ($aLines as $entry)
{ if ($entry->host == "")
$entry->host = "Teststring";
   print $entry->host."\n"; // prints "Teststring"

// Testoutput
foreach ($aLines as $entry)
{ print $entry->host."\n"; // prints empty string!

Why is host in the second loop empty again?


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Re: [PHP] Solved Getting page with fopen

2002-04-25 Thread Martin Thoma

Ah, it works with fsockopen:

 $fp = fsockopen ("www.google.com", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  if (!$fp)
  { print "Fehler: $errstr ($errno)\n";
  { fputs ($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $Url\r\n\r\n");
   while (!feof($fp))
   { $sLine .= fgets ($fp, 4096);
  fclose ($fp);

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Re: [PHP] Getting page with fopen

2002-04-25 Thread Martin Thoma

> Google is probably trying to send you a cookie in which case you cannot use
> fopen. You need to use curl or snoopy(?).

Thanx, that could be the problem. Unfortunatly, curl is not compiled in my
php-version, and what is snoopy?! ;-) Any other ideas/examples?


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[PHP] Getting page with fopen

2002-04-25 Thread Martin Thoma


I'm trying to find out on which rank my side is at google automatically.
I'm trying the following code, but I get a strange error:

 $Url = "http://www.google.de/search?q=MySearchWord";; // Gives "Warning:
No error on line [where fopen is]"
 $Url = "http://www.google.de/";; // Works

 for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i += 10)
 {   $fp = fopen($Url, "r");
  while($fp && !feof($fp))
  { $sLine .= fgets($fp, 4096);
... do some further things with $sLine

How can I get more information about the error occuring? "Warning: No
error" is not much information...


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[PHP] Re: Open Download-Box

2002-04-22 Thread Martin Thoma

> this is a problem of IE, not of PHP.

Year, but since I controll IE with PHP, I thought someone has a


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Re: [PHP] Open Download-Box

2002-04-18 Thread Martin Thoma

> try
>  header("Content-type: application/pdf");

Thanx, but it doesn't work, too, on IE.
Another effect is, that Netscape now opens it in the broser window instead
of downloding it.

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[PHP] Open Download-Box

2002-04-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I have a PDF-File, which the user should download (it should not
open in the browser, even if the Adobe-Reader-Pluging is installed). I

 $filename = $DOCUMENT_ROOT."/".$QUERY_STRING;
 $fd = fopen ($filename, "rb");
 $contents = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename));
 fclose ($fd);

 header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");

 echo $contents;

This doesn't work in IE (Version 6, 5 is not tested yet): When I get the
download-box and I choose "open" instead of "save", the download-box
opens again! Then pressing "open", everything is okay, but why is the
box opened twice?


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[PHP] Replacing words

2002-03-08 Thread Martin Thoma


I use

$txt = preg_replace("#(()|$search)#se", '"\2"=="\1"?
"\1":"$replace"', $txt);

to replace some text in $txt. The problem: Parts of words are replaced,
too. How can I make preg_replace replace only words, which  means, that
the word is followed by space . , -, but not by other letters/numbers?


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[PHP] Re: HOWTO: detect browser's script enabled?

2002-01-29 Thread Martin Thoma

Hm, the easiest way would be, try

where myfile.js contains simply nothing. Everytime the file is downloaded,
someone uses Javascript.

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[PHP] Connect to Mail-Server

2002-01-25 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! Somewhere I read something on how to connect to a mail-server
with php and to send and receive mails on a very "basic" level (calling
"Helo" to the mail-server and so on). Does anybody know, where I can get
those information exactly?


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[PHP] Re: Printing JPEG images generated with ImageJPEG with IE/WIN

2002-01-25 Thread Martin Thoma

Hm, it could be that IE tries to reload the picture (which isn't there
anymore because the form-data has been expired). Perhaps saving the
picture temporarly on the server will prevent the problem.


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Re: [PHP] Split files

2002-01-23 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi and thaks for your answer.

> Making any sense?

Year, so I have to do it manually (thought someone could preveting me from reinvent 
the wheel... ;-)

> What are you really trying to achieve?

I'm trying to split a large binary file (>2 GB) into peaces of 700 MB to burn it on a 
cd. It's a part of a
backup-mechanism I'm wirting in PHP.


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[PHP] Split files

2002-01-22 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! Is there a PHP-function to split binary files into pieces of a
several size and glue them together later?


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Re: [PHP] How to protect JavaScript?

2002-01-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi Bart,

I think it's the same problem as with php: You could only protect it, when a
HTTP_REFERRER is send (which Netscape does not do):

  Assume we have under http://www.quux-corp.de/~quux/ some pages with
inlined GIF graphics. These graphics are nice, so others directly
  incorporate them via hyperlinks to their pages. We don't like this
practice because it adds useless traffic to our server.

  While we cannot 100% protect the images from inclusion, we can at
least restrict the cases where the browser sends a HTTP Referer header.

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Re: [PHP] How to protect JavaScript?

2002-01-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi Bart,

thanx for your answer.

> This would only be true if your javascript files were parsed with php.If
> not, then php can't do anything about it of course.

This is possible, I tried it out.

> Look into mod_rewrite. I
> haven't used it in the sense that you're looking for, but I don't see why
> you couldn't.
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html

This is a lot of stuff... Could you give me a hint where the way leads to?


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[PHP] Re: Parsing?

2002-01-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi Tony,

you could do this by getting the file through http, which means not open it with
fopen("filename.php4", "r") but with fopen("http://servername/filename.php4";,
"r"). Then you get exactly the way to browser sees it. But this is very slow if
you fetch a lot of files.


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[PHP] How to protect JavaScript?

2002-01-16 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello! I want to protect a JavaScript: It should only be readable out of
the document, where it is included (with 

Re: [PHP] Re: strpos

2001-11-15 Thread Martin Thoma

> if (!strpos(...))
> will be better...


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[PHP] Regular expressions?

2001-11-15 Thread Martin Thoma


I need to search for strings between html-tags. For example, I need to
know if the String "Searchstring" is between "" and ""

How is it done?

I think I need regular expressions, but I have no idea about it. I'm not
getting to clever out of the php-documentaion. Where can I start to
learn reg-exp? Should I use the ereg- oder preg-functions? Help!


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[PHP] Re: strpos

2001-11-15 Thread Martin Thoma

strpos return false if the search fails. You have therefore to test for:

if (strpos(...,...) === false)


if (strpos(...,...) !== false)


Jtjohnston wrote:

> I suppose I'm doing this right? I want to know if the user entered
> "\.jpeg" or "\.jpg". If he didn't, it should error.
> It errors anyways? What do I have to do add slashes in my ???
> :o)
> // if((!strpos($yourimage, "\.jpg")) || (!strpos($yourimage,
> "\.jpeg")))  \\ <--- tried both!
>  if((!strpos($yourimage, ".jpg")) || (!strpos($yourimage, ".jpeg")))
> {
>   error_found("error found");
>   $errorfound++;
>  }

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[PHP] Re: Adding zeros to date

2001-10-05 Thread Martin Thoma

Use the date-function. See help for details.

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[PHP] Session-id in url, not in cookies

2001-09-27 Thread Martin Thoma


How can I make the session-id ONLY be stored in the url, even if the
user has cookies enabled? I have no access to the php.ini-file.

Any ideas?


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[PHP] New session...

2001-05-24 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want the user to have a chance to reset the session and get a new
session_id on one page.

I tried:



But it doesn't worked. session_destroy doesn't work, too.

What I want is, the PHP assigns MyId a new value.

Ideas ?


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Re: [PHP] VariableName

2001-05-24 Thread Martin Thoma

Very nice solution. Thank you !

Plutarck schrieb:

> If the variable's names will be $Name1, $Name2, etc, then you'd do something
> like this:
> for ($i = 1, $i <= $n)
> {
> /* $n will be how many variables you have. So if you have 5 variables, $n
> should equal 5 */
> ${"Name" . $i} = $default_value;
> }
> So if $n was 3 and $default_value was 0, you'd have three variables who's
> value was 0:
> $Name1
> $Name2
> $Name3
> Variable variables are the way to go. They're so cool :) I wonder if Java
> has anything like that...
> Plutarck
> "Martin Thoma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello !
> >
> > I want to make a dynamic formular, on which the user can enter a
> > different number of names.
> > So to make the form I do:
> >
> > for ($i = 0; $i < $anzahl; $i++)
> >  { printf (" > SIZE=20\">\n", $i);
> >  }
> >
> > Now I want to set all the Varables Name0, Name1, Name2 etc. to a
> > default-value.
> > How can I do it in a for-next-loop ?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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[PHP] VariableName

2001-05-24 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want to make a dynamic formular, on which the user can enter a
different number of names.
So to make the form I do:

for ($i = 0; $i < $anzahl; $i++)
 { printf ("\n", $i);

Now I want to set all the Varables Name0, Name1, Name2 etc. to a
How can I do it in a for-next-loop ?



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[PHP] Color of Pixel

2001-05-19 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I got a jpg-picture on my disk. Is there any way to find out the color
of a pixel (let's say, I want to know, which color the pixel 1,12 on
image img.jpg is.)

Ideas ?


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Re: [PHP] Undefined Variables / PHP 4.0.4pl1

2001-05-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Thanx a lot, I found it in php.ini !

"Johnson, Kirk" schrieb:

> If you have access to php.ini, see the "Error handling and logging" section.
> Else, see http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php
> Kirk
> > -----Original Message-
> > From: Martin Thoma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 1:36 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] Undefined Variables / PHP 4.0.4pl1
> >
> >
> > Hello !
> >
> > I just installed PHP 4.0.4pl1 over an existing PHP 4.0.1 on Win98 with
> > Apache. Alle works greate, but I get a lot of warnings:
> >
> > Warning: Undefined variable: MyVariable in filename
> >
> > The warnings weren't there in the earlier version. How can I turn of
> > these warnings ?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: [PHP] Who has PHP4 and FTP experience?

2001-05-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Whats the problem ? ;-)

Gunter Ohrner schrieb:

> Hi!
> I'm looking for some hints for the PHP ftp module as I have some problems
> using it - if anyone has experience in using the PHP ftp module it would be
> very cool someone could send me an email... 
> Greetinx,
>   Gunter Ohrner
> --
> Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".-- (Terry Pratchett, The
> Colour of Magic)
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[PHP] Undefined Variables / PHP 4.0.4pl1

2001-05-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I just installed PHP 4.0.4pl1 over an existing PHP 4.0.1 on Win98 with
Apache. Alle works greate, but I get a lot of warnings:

Warning: Undefined variable: MyVariable in filename

The warnings weren't there in the earlier version. How can I turn of
these warnings ?



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Re: [PHP] if... then... else with HTML

2001-04-23 Thread Martin Thoma

Ah, I forgott the {} ;-)

You are using Internet Explorer

You are not using Internet Explorer

Martin Thoma schrieb:

> Hello !
> I want to do something like
> if (condition)
> output this html-block
> else
> output that html-block
> Without printig or echoing the html-block out (because the block has a
> lot of  ", which I all would have to slash out...)
> How can I do that ?
> Martin
> --
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[PHP] if... then... else with HTML

2001-04-23 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want to do something like

if (condition)
output this html-block
output that html-block

Without printig or echoing the html-block out (because the block has a
lot of  ", which I all would have to slash out...)

How can I do that ?


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[PHP] X509

2001-04-07 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want to write a small script to decrypt/encrypt/sign emails with the

Does anybody know, where to get information about this protocoll ?

Does anybody has some examples how to use it in php ? Any
ready-to-go-code ?

Any help is welcome !


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[PHP] Fetch side with Cookies

2001-03-15 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I have a side, which I can only access when a special cookie is set. I
want to access and analyse the side with php.

So I could not use fopen("http://www.thesidename.com", "r"), because
this will not transmit the cookie.

I thought of something with sockets and sending a HTTP-Get with the
cookie. But I have no idea:
- How to use the socket
- How to send the GET
- How to send the Cookie
- How to recieve the data

Any help is welcome !


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[PHP] Tutorial for RegExpressions

2001-03-14 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi !

Does someone know a good tutorial für regula-expression, like they are
used in ereg and preg ?


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[PHP] Replace everything except of...

2001-03-13 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

How can I use eregi_replace to replace every ">" with ">", except
when it's "" ??


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Re: [PHP] How to str-replace

2001-03-13 Thread Martin Thoma

I found out to use eregi_replace.

Martin Thoma schrieb:

> Hi !
> How can I replace a string (like "") case-insensitive (replace
> also "", "",""...) ? str_replace is case-sensitive.
> Martin
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[PHP] How to str-replace

2001-03-13 Thread Martin Thoma

Hi !

How can I replace a string (like "") case-insensitive (replace
also "", "",""...) ? str_replace is case-sensitive.


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[PHP] Using Pipes / PGP

2001-02-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Hm, this is getting much more complicated as I thought.

I want to use PGP. This works fine with temporary Files: You say to PGP:
"Please take the file message.txt and encrypt it to the file
encrypt.txt". Ok.

But this could be a possible securety-hole, because the message-file is
available on the disc for some time. The pgp-doc says, that you could
use the -f paramter with pipes to avoid this.

But: How is it done exactly ? I didn't get anything to work.

(Using PGP 2.6.3. and Linux)



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[PHP] Standard-Output

2001-02-18 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

Which is the name for the standard-output on Linux ?

The background: I want to use PGP (2.6.3.) to put the encrypted file out
on standard-output.



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[PHP] Mail-Encryption

2001-02-06 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want to send mails via the "mail"-command which are encrypted and
which uses the certificates used by Netscape Messenger and Outlook (if
you export the files, it's extention is .p12).

- How do I generate such keys (in general) ?
- How can I send an encrypted email from an Unix-Server (with php) ?



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Re: [PHP] Off Subject, but can't find any info elsewhere

2001-02-03 Thread Martin Thoma

Go to developers.netscape.com, there you can find newsgroups where you can get help.


Toby Miller schrieb:

> Web Developers,
> I know this has nothing to do with PHP, but some bright minds out there might have 
>run across it. It's about Netscape 6 mouseovers.
> I've read elsewhere that Netscape 6 has problems with preloading images. I have 
>confirmed this time and time again, but have not been able to come to any viable 
>solutions. Nor have I been able to find a posted solution or a documented workaround 
>anywhere on the web. Has anyone here found a workaround for this bug that will 
>prevent Netscape from causing mouseover images (which were preloaded) to stop 
>disappearing from the screen when you roll over them too quickly. They aren't just 
>made invisible, they are actually gone.
> I'm fine with the new DOM as it makes sense to start complying to the standards, it 
>needs to be done. However, mouseovers are one of the most basic features of 
>JavaScript that every site on the web uses so there really should be a way to 
>successfully code mouseovers into a web page without worrying about them 
>disappearing. Talk about a web site navigation nightmare.
> I have like mostly everything about Netscape 6 except this little "feature" and I'm 
>about to give up on the browser because of it. If anyone has found a way around this 
>I would really appreciate knowing how you dealt with it.
> Thanks,
> Toby

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2001-02-02 Thread Martin Thoma

Hello !

I want to send a PGP-encrypted EMail out of a php-script. I'm a very
newbee in PGP and actual know nothing. Could someone please give me some
hints how to do it ?



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