Re: [PHP] How can I submit more than 2000 items of data?

2013-08-19 Thread Mihai Anghel
Check this

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:55 AM, aesbovis wrote:

 Hello there
 I am making a little web-based-tool for our studio to progress a large
 amount of data, more than 2000 items, but it seems there is a length limit
 of 1000 to $_POST.

 How can I submit all of the items in one time?

 Thank you!

 *Anywhere @aesbovis!*

Re: [PHP] Re: ArrayInterator always true

2012-01-28 Thread Mihai Anghel
If you enable notices you will see that PHP outputs this : Notice:
ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside object and internal
position is no longer valid.This line seems to be the problem //Test
if next stream is an option for ( $iterator-next();
$iterator-valid(); $iterator-next() ) { . I think that maybe the
problem is that you are accessing the array in the second for, PHP
detects that when it gets to the first for and it doesn't know if the
array is still the same and starts over . Anyway, you are trying to
iterate over the array in a pretty strange way :) . My advice is to
use $arrayobject-count() to see how many elements you have and then
iterate with a for($i=0; $i  $arrayobject-count(); $i++) . Also, if
you accept only some options than just use getopt function.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 12:10 AM, TCP wrote:
 I've got a temporary fix but still the iterator always return true,
 still hope someone could help me out to point out the problem:)

 //parseOptions utilitiese by tgckpg
 function parseOptions ( $argStream, $handler ) {
//Chop first useless argument -- argv[0]
array_shift ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate ArrayObject for iterator
$arrayobject = new ArrayObject ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate iterator for iteration
$iterator = $arrayobject-getIterator();

//If options is set first
if( $iterator-valid()  preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $iterator-current() 
 ) ) {
//iterate through whole argument stream
for (   ; $iterator-valid(); $iterator-next() ) {
//Check if reached next option
if( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = 
 $iterator-current() ) ) {
//Get current options
$currOpt = $opts;
//echo $currOpt\n;
//Test if next stream is an option
for ( $iterator-next(); $iterator-valid(); 
 $iterator-next() ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = 
 $iterator-current() ) ) {
//echo $currOpt $opts\n;
$currOpt = $opts;
} else break;
}//End if
//echo $currOpt $opts\n;
$handler($currOpt, $opts);
//A temporary fix for infinite 
}// End for
//If option is not set first.
} else {
//Try other approach.
}// End if

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:18 AM, TCP wrote:
 I'm trying to parse an $agrv array that contain options (without
 square brackets): [-a abc -b bbc bcc -d dbc -e -f]
 I use ArrayIterator to iterate through the line:
  - whenever it reach /-\w/, it read through the following qoutes
 until it reach another /-\w/.

 The problem is it seems the $iterator-valid() always return TRUE and
 cause infinte loop.

 function parseOptions ( $argStream, $handler ) {
//Chop first useless argument -- argv[0]
array_shift ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate ArrayObject for iterator
$arrayobject = new ArrayObject ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate iterator for iteration
$iterator = $arrayobject-getIterator();

//If options is set first
if( $iterator-valid()  preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', 
 $iterator-current() ) ) {
//iterate through whole argument stream
for (   ; $iterator-valid(); $iterator-next() ) {
//Check if reached next option
if( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = 
 $iterator-current() ) ) {
//Get current options
$currOpt = $opts;
//echo $currOpt\n;
//Test if next stream is an option
for ($iterator-next(); $iterator-valid(); 
 $iterator-next() ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = 
 $iterator-current() ) ) {
//echo $currOpt $opts\n;
//$handler($currOpt, $opts);
$currOpt = $opts;
}//End if
//echo $currOpt $opts\n;

Re: [PHP] reporting errors when $ sign is missing in front of a variable

2012-01-12 Thread Mihai Anghel
Also, you get the output my_var because if you say echo my_var PHP
looks for a constant my_var and if it doesn't find one it just assumes
you want the name of the constant.Look in the manual page for
constants for more details about how they work

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:57 AM, wrote:

 Haluk Karamete hat am 12. Januar 2012 um 06:17

 Well I just changed the ?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?
  to ?php error_reporting (E_ALL ); ?  and that does it for me.

 Notice: Use of undefined constant my_age - assumed 'my_age' in
 D:\Hosting\5291100\html\blueprint\bp_library.php on line 40

 Now back in business :)

 If you are programming with an IDE, it does the work for you. While 
 you will see warning notices, that you are refering to something unknown.

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Re: [PHP] Question about socket_select

2011-12-14 Thread Mihai Anghel
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Matijn Woudt wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Mihai Anghel 

 It appears to me that something is strange with the socket_select function.
 From what I understand the value of the fourth parameter, tv_sec,
 should block the execution of the script for that number of seconds.
 I tried this code :


 $serverSocket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

 $result = socket_bind($serverSocket,, 20668);

 $start = time();

    $reads = array($serverSocket);
    $writes = null;
    $except = null;
    $changes = socket_select($reads, $writes, $except, 5);
    $now = time();
    echo $now - $start;
    echo \n;

 and when I run it with php -q server3.php the ouput shows something
 like 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 etc so the script doesn't pause on
 socket_select until it returns.

 Cam somebody explain me what's happening ?

 It seems to me that your socket_select function is failing, maybe
 because earlier code is failing. Check the return of socket_select
 like this:
 if ($changes === false) {
    echo socket_select() failed, reason:  .
        socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . \n;



Thanks for your suggestion, I reviewed the code and I saw that I was
missing :  socket_listen($serverSocket) . After adding this it worked
like expected

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[PHP] Question about socket_select

2011-12-13 Thread Mihai Anghel

It appears to me that something is strange with the socket_select function.
From what I understand the value of the fourth parameter, tv_sec,
should block the execution of the script for that number of seconds.
I tried this code :


$serverSocket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

$result = socket_bind($serverSocket,, 20668);

$start = time();

$reads = array($serverSocket);
$writes = null;
$except = null;
$changes = socket_select($reads, $writes, $except, 5);
$now = time();
echo $now - $start;
echo \n;

and when I run it with php -q server3.php the ouput shows something
like 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 etc so the script doesn't pause on
socket_select until it returns.

Cam somebody explain me what's happening ?


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