Re: [PHP] How to Execute Exe File from PHP

2008-10-21 Thread Paulo Sousa
Hi Alice First, make sure about the value on $market and $length. Yeah, it's simple. echo $market; echo $length; $a= shell_exec(./test.exe -m$market -d$length); echo $a; Second:; A good explanation to use external commands

[PHP]About the magic function __call

2008-08-27 Thread Paulo Sousa
Hi there! I'm working with the following code: ?php abstract class Foo{ protected $a; protected $b; protected $c; function __construct($arg){ $this-a = $arg; } function __call($function, $args){ $this-b = $function; $this-c = $args; $this-doWhatever(); } private doWhatever(){ } }

Re: [PHP]About the magic function __call

2008-08-27 Thread Paulo Sousa
:49 PM, Nathan Nobbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Paulo Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... this *should* work, here is a test, tests/classes/__call_005.phpt, you can take the part beneath the --FILE-- section and see if it blows up on your system or not. right