[PHP] file creation date

2002-11-28 Thread Research and Development
Is it possible to get the creation date of a file that is going to be 
uploaded? I saw a function that returns the file creation date once on 
the server, but is it possible to get that information from a file that 
is not yet on the server?

Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] WAP resources for PHP

2002-11-07 Thread Research and Development
I need to make a site WAP ready in less than a month. What books or 
internet resources do you recommend for development of WAP in PHP.

Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] $html_code .= include (filetoinclude.txt);

2002-10-13 Thread Research and Development

Should this work?

$html_code .= include (filetoinclude.txt);

I am populating a variable with html to be printred later as usual: 
$html_code .= html.

But I have some static html files that I want included in the html that 
I am storing in the variable. The HTML is in text files. The above code 
obviously does not work. I want to know if there is another way.


[PHP] Who is online script example

2002-09-25 Thread Research and Development

Hello. Has anyone noticed that some sites can display a list of users 
currently looking at their site? I would like to see the code to do 
such things.

Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] Mail problem with more than 1k users

2002-09-23 Thread Research and Development

Hello. I wrote a PHP script that will pull records from a database 
(emails) and then mail something to the emails in the result set. 
Pretty simple and it worked.

Now that the database has over 1 thousand records I began to experience 
performance problems. I figured that my problem was that Sendmail does 
not process emails that have more than x number of emails.

So I re-designed the script to send emails in parts. 500 emails per 
header. But after the database reached more than 3,000 records the 
emailing did not work at all. Sendmail refused to send to any of the 
emails in the database result set.

Any thoughts?

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[PHP] backup script

2002-09-23 Thread Research and Development

Hello. Can someone point me to an example of a script that backs up de 
database and the web directory and its files?

Thanks in advance.

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