
I'm experiencing an odd situation.  I am returning a large file back to a
client w/ readfile().  If I cancel the stream before it is done, it will
cause the PHP script to write the rest of the file's contents to Apache's
error_log (creating quite a huge log file).

I'm afraid I don't understand how to control PHP's logging and error
reporting functions.  I did place a @ infront of the readfile() call, but
that didn't help.  It also looks that it's not only readfile() that places
the contents of its stream into error_log.  Other PHP scripts that generate
huge amounts of data, if canceled, also log their streams (text or binary)
to error_log.

How can I control this?  I checked my php.ini file, but it didn't seem to
give me any leads.  Any hints or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,

Seth Ladd | Software Engineer, Product Development
Brivo Systems, Inc.

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