[PHP] how to transfer a local DB to a DB on Server ?

2001-11-27 Thread trongduc

does anyone know ?
pls help me, thanks...

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[PHP] about the replacing HTML code by another codes in a Forum ?

2001-11-22 Thread trongduc

can anyone help me this ?

I made a simple forum, and it will allow the users to send their messages in
HTML format.
But I worried about the security of my website, so I removed all of the
SCRIPT tags in their messages by placing /SCRIPT instead.
(Because the users maybe use SCRIPT language=JavaScript, so I cannot
replace SCRIPT exactly)

Is it the best solution to protect my pages from malicious code ? (is it
secure for my pages ?)
Are there other ways that someone can use malicious codes in their messages
without SCRIPT ?

In the case I do not allow the users send messages in HTML codes, I replaced
(similar with phpBB code) :
[a]=a href=

example the content of message is :
[a]www.microsoft.com[/a]Click here...[//a]
...will place a link to Microsoft.com, but the problems will happen when the
users use only [a], or [/a], not use [//a] to close the link. Can anyone
help me to fix this problem ? (is there another way to do this more simple

thanks very much...

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[PHP] free online PHP books ?

2001-11-17 Thread trongduc

Does anyone know where the Online Free PHP Books are ?
I cannot buy a book with Amazon.com in my country.
There're a lot of free tutorials on the net, but they 're not enough for me
to understand PHP clearly.
Please let me know the URLs like that

thanks so much...
(I love PHP)

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[PHP] What's wrong with this date ?

2001-11-17 Thread trongduc

hi there,
I try to save a record (in the date type in MySQL) from the INPUT
type=text by :

$query = INSERT INTO $table VALUES  ($post_id, 0, '$topic', '$uname',
'$body', $date, '$newdate', 0) ;

But it couldn't work (I used $date or '$date' on above, but they got the
same results) !

It showed me the wrong value, as : 1970-0-0 (always this, although I try to
input different values in the text box with the date format is -MM-DD)
I don't understand the way MySQL saves my date field in his data (is it
-MM-DD ?)

Can anyone help me in this case ?
Thanks much...

ps : I used the $date field in varchar(20) type instead. BWT, what's
different beween the Varchar(length) type with the Char(length) type ?

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