[PHP] Re: Strange error in PHP/MySQL

2006-10-04 Thread Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 19:59:08 +0100, Deckard wrote:

> Hello,
> I have this code:
>  // insert new user in mysql user table
>   $sqlInsertUser = "INSERT INTO user (Host, User , Password ,
> Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv) VALUES ('$hostname',
> '$mysql_username', '$mysql_password', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N')";
>   if (mysql_query($sqlInsertUser, $conn))
>$messagesqlInsertUser = 'Success...';
>   else
>$messagesqlInsertUser = 'Error: ' . mysql_error();
>   $result = mysql_query($sqlInsertUser);
> that gives me the error:
> "Error: Duplicate entry 'localhost-' for key 1"
> I can't see nothing wrong with it and if i run it in MySQL's prompt
> everything's fine.
> Any ideas ?
> Besta Regards,
> Deckard.


Wouldn't it be easier to just use the MySQL GRANT statement?


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[PHP] Re: Strange error

2003-09-16 Thread rush
"Sid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello everyone,
> Am I having a bad day or WHAT! I have exactly 5 lines of code as follows
> what is the problem here.

works fine at my localhost.


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[PHP] Re: strange error message when trying to start apache

2002-08-26 Thread Richard Lynch

>Hello again, so earlier I was trying to install
>PHP-4.2.2 with Apache-2.0.40 and was having some sapi
>problems.  I then read that I might be better off
>going with Apache-1.3.26.  Well, I installed 1.3.26,
>and then configured and installed php into apache as a
>DSO.  Everything appeared to go smoothly, except when
>I try to start up Apache, I get the following error
>Syntax error on line 205 of
>API module structure `php4_module' in file
>/usr/local/apache/libexec/libphp4.so is garbled
>-perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?
>/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not
>be started

When you compiled PHP, it didn't really work.

There are some error messages you missed as they flew by during that whole
./configure make make install thing.

Re-do that part, only do things like this:

./configure --with-apxs=... --with-mysql=... 2>&1 > configure.output &
make 2>&1 > make.output &
make install 2>&1 > install.output &

You'll be able to watch things happen by doing:

tail -f configure.output

(Hit control-C when it's done)

and similarly for make.output and install.output

When you're all done, search through configure.output and make.output for
"Error" or "Warning" messages.

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[PHP] Re: strange error

2001-08-24 Thread Elias Santiago

Brack wrote:

> if you have structure like
>  if (isset(...)){
> ..;
> }
> elseif (isset()){
> }
> else {
> ..
> ?>
> then you need to insert "}" before "
> or if you use syntax

Correct, in part.  The last ELSE has a starting {,  but no ending }.
It should go before the ?> not , that would place it outside the PHP
code block.

>  if (isset()):
> ..;
> elseif (isset()):
> ..;
> else:
> ..;
> ?>
> you have to insert "endif;"
> If you think you did it but still have an error, try to count your "if"
> statements and "endif;" maybe something is missing.
> Youri

the correct structure would be:

Note that curly braces (expression group) does not need the semicolon after

If the IF, ELSEIF or ELSE constructs just need to execute one line then

the constructs themselves don't need an ending semicolon


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RE: [PHP] Re: strange error

2001-08-23 Thread Dave

>if you have structure like
>if (isset(...)){
>you have to insert "endif;"
>If you think you did it but still have an error, try to count your "if"
>statements and "endif;" maybe something is missing.

This is a matter of personal preference, but use formatting that is helpful to
determine where you are in your code...  and comment yourself...  it will avoid
missing } { and other common erors that eat up valuable time tracking down. HTML
cares less about the extra spaces and \n's anyway

While generally restrictive in nature, some good ideas for policing your own
code can be found at http://utvikler.start.no/code/php_coding_standard.html
(just one copy I came across).  take what you need out of there... once you
stick to a method, your occasions of tracking down loose ends will drop greatly.


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[PHP] Re: strange error

2001-08-23 Thread BRACK

if you have structure like

then you need to insert "}" before "
or if you use syntax

you have to insert "endif;" 
If you think you did it but still have an error, try to count your "if" 
statements and "endif;" maybe something is missing.


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[PHP] Re: strange error

2001-08-22 Thread Gijsbert te Riet

Hi Jeremy,

> I get an error message which I can't figure out.
> Its a Parse error: on line 142 which is the last line of the page containing
> absolutly no code. The last line of code is simply ..Did
> anyone have a similar experience? Can anyone help me out please?

I guess you haven't closed the , before your 
Otherwise, the php parser will think that it's still parsing php code,
which results in an parse error.


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