'Twas brillig, and Ashley Sheridan at 03/12/08 08:15 did gyre and gimble:
Whatever you do, don't have a separate
page for "print view". This is one of those things that some bright
spark thought to do on a site at work, and the site in question was
already a couple hundred HTML pages, so he effectively doubled that
figure. It makes your work harder in the long run if you need to update
it at any time, and with the media="print" attribute set for the extra
stylesheet, it's automatically selected anyways.

While I don't want to disagree with the print media option (it's my preferred route), depending on your application/use case etc, having a separate print layout could make sense.

Say you have a content management system that displays an "entry" over several small pages. If you want to print out details of that "entry" it may make sense to combine the salient details from all the mini-pages into one "printable" page.

If your application is designed well, then this approach certainly doesn't double your number of "pages" (from a maintenance perspective). If you have a 1000 "entries" each with 5 mini-pages and you add a print version you are changing the number from 5 to 6, not 5000 to 6000.



Colin Guthrie

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