Here's a little recursion problem I'd like some input on - the task, to remove recursion from this little set of 3 classes, without removing any functionality.

more classes and interfaces can be added - if I get a solution I'll mail it in.

additional question.. quite sure this isn't actually called recursion as it's more than one class involved.. so what is it called?


class Town {

  private $id;

  private $townInformationCollection;

  public function getId() {
    return $this->id;

  public function setId($id) {
    $this->id = $id;

  public function getTownInformationCollection() {
    return $this->townInformationCollection;

  public function setTownInformationCollection(
  TownInformationCollection $townInformationCollection)
    $this->townInformationCollection = $townInformationCollection;


class TownInformationCollection {

  private $townInformationArray = array();

  public function getTownInformationArray() {
    return $this->townInformationArray;

  public function setTownInformationArray(array $townInformationArray) {
    $this->townInformationArray = $townInformationArray;

  public function addTownInformation(TownInformation $townInformation) {
    $this->townInformationArray[] = $townInformation;

class TownInformation {

  private $id;

  private $information;

  private $town;

  public function getId() {
    return $this->id;

  public function setId($id) {
    $this->id = $id;

  public function getInformation() {
    return $this->information;

  public function setInformation($information) {
    return $this->information = $information;

  public function getTown() {
    return $this->id;

  public function setTown(Town $town) {
    $this->town = $town;


$town = new Town();

$townInformation = new TownInformation();
$townInformation->setInformation('some random info');

$townInformationCollection = new TownInformationCollection();
$townInformationCollection->setTownInformationArray( array($townInformation) );


print_r( $town );
print_r( $townInformation );

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