Hi there, I'm new to php coming from an asp background and would like to
know the easiest way to automate a login process. I have one page called
'index.php' and it contains a form with 2 elements, username and password.
This page is posted to th 'login.php' and here I do a check against the
database to see if the person is who they say they are. This where I came
across a problem...I would like to set a cookie on the user's machine once I
know they are who they say they are. So I attempted to create a cookie to
hold their username and password upon successful login..I received the
following error...Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already
sent by (output started at E:\ez\codesnipits\login.php:16) in
E:\ez\codesnipits\login.php on line 66.

So I looked up in the manual and found that I can't do it this way. I can't
send header info after the header has been sent for obvious reasons. So how
the heck do I manage to do this?  What I would to do is have the user login
once, and each subsequent time they visit , skip the login process via their
username and password in the cookie.

Any insight to this type of process would greatly be appreciated.

Thx Joe
p.s  Sorry about the bold font ;)

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