My commercial host is changing policy so that PHP can't create files in
public_html. This screws up my content management system, which generates
static HTML pages which are hit a lot. Is this policy common? Is it a
security risk for PHP to be able to create files in the main directory? (I
have no problem creating files in subdirectories.)

I've spent a couple days rewriting to use a PHP script called as a CGI to do
the updates, and now they're telling me that that won't work when called
from the CMS -- I've got to call it from a crontab, which I don't think will
be acceptable.

This is my third post concerning this (rephrased and refocused each time).
Does anyone else need to create and update files in their main directories?
Is this a security problem? Do I need to completely rewrite the CMS to use a

Lowell Allen

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