Hi there, I need some help here.

I have uploaded all the files necessary into my server. grab it at 

This is a lostpassword script whereby when the user inputs his email address, the 
script will check if his email is a valid email ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) after which it will 
use the database to search for the email and if there his email is in the db, it will 
send him a mail telling him so.

In this script I haven't add the mail() but replaced it with a echo() so that I know 
that the form has been processed.

When I run the script and input a 'non-valid' email address ( no @ sign ), the 
errormsg will appear as normal but when I type a valid email or a email that is in the 
database, the form will just clear it self and reappear.

Mind if someone help me debug (I'm new to PHP).

Thanks :)


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