Hello everyone,

I'm trying to pass some info into Flash.   this worked fine with another
funciton call instead of Players();
But for some reason it will only pass the first name into flash..that's it.
however, when I check it just in a browser, it works fine.
I'm not sure why this one won't specifically work.

this is what I have.

// Includes etc...
 // Create new Class
 $server = new Rcon();

 // Connect & Retrieve Info
 if($server->Connect($config_server_ip, $config_server_port,
$config_server_password)) {
  $player_results = $server->Players();

 // Output to Flash
 $player_info = Array();
 for ($i=1; $i<=count($player_results); $i++) {
  $player_info[($i-1)] = implode(",", $player_results[$i]);

 $player_info2 = implode("|", $player_info);

 print ($player_info2);

This works to browser, but not to Flash.  it really doesn't make sense.

Any help?


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