The Magazine together with its enlisted partners is the organizers of the Balkan PHP programming/developing competition. The first stage had already been started and will reach completion on the 15th of July 2004 with the following task:

Development of an encryption algorithm for communication.

- To be structured in two methods – name_encode and name_decode (see example);
- The possibility for the input of more than one parameter;
- The completed solutions are to be tested on versions from 4.2.x to 4.3.6. (or the latest version of PHP4 available when the evaluation is to be performed);
- If your script is for a specific version – please let us know by writing it on the attached file as well as any other stuff you’d like us to take into consideration;

There are no limitations for the algorithm type, encryption level and what is to be encrypted. Which means it is up to your creativity.

Prizes are:

- Zend Studio 3.5
- Maguma Workbench (more info?)
- NuSphere Editor (PHPEd)
- TemplateTamer (Developer edition)
- ionCube Cerberus Encoder
- ionCube Standalone PHP Encoder.
- Activestate Comodo IDE

and a lot of Beer ;))

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