I've been using JavaScript style switchers combined with "alternate style sheets," allowing users to control the appearance of my web pages.

However, I recently read that you can make style switchers with PHP - which are allegedly superior to JavaScript style sheets. Then I found a PHP style switcher at http://www.contrastsweb.com/switcher/v2/example.php that has an added advantage; you can apparently choose several style sheets independently of one another. For example, you can change the background color, then change the font.

I'm working on some complex tables that I'd like to control with such a multi-style switcher. Suppose I have five style sheets, named One, Two, Thtee, Four and Five. I'd like to set it up so that a visitor can view the page with any one of these style sheets, or with a combination thereof, such as One, Three and Four or Four and Five.

At any rate, I couldn't get the PHP style switcher above to work. (See, also, http://www.contrastsweb.com/switcher/v2/)

I just wondered if anyone on this list has worked with PHP style switchers and can recommend other tutorials or different strategies.


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