Yes. Another poor soul who is having problems with PHP and installing the
IMAP library. I've installed Apache 1.3.26, PHP 4.2.2 and MySQL and they all
work just fine together. But I want IMAP as well, because I want my webmail
app to work.

I compiled PHP like so:
$    ./configure --with-apache=[valid path to apache
source] --with-imap --with-kerberos
and there were no errors to speak of.

It created many of these files in my php-source-directory/ext/imap:
config.m4  imap.dsp      Makefile     php_imap.c
php_imap.lo  setup.stub
CREDITS    IMAP_Win32_HOWTO.txt  php_imap.h

The only file that is missing from my entire system - I have looked - is Oh sure, php_imap.LO is here, but no And so Apache
barfs but keeps going when I go and start it:

[root@ns apache_1.3.26]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache start
PHP Warning:  Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/' -
/usr/local/lib/ No such file or directory

Of course, I know it isn't in /usr/local/lib but it isn't anywhere on my
system. How do I get this gosh darn file??

I would graciously appreciate a reply by email because these are such active
groups. Thank you.

Ryan Faricy

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