<-- snip -->
I can do
- site.com/info/template.html and get two alerts
- site.com/info/content1.html and see a new text under H1
- site.com/info/slick.php/content1.html and get neither alert nor new text.
  - instead I get 4 browser (IE) 'problem alerts', I presume
  - 1. for not finding js1.js
  - 2. for not finding js2.js
  - 3. for not finding content1.js
  - 4. for not finding helloFromContent1() function

I don't want to change my SRC references to be site absolute, I want them

Any ideas how I should 'wrap' my content using php and get functioning pages
<-- snip -->

have you thoought about doing an echo on your script tags and do a getenv?
that way you can simulate a relative path

it was

<SCRIPT SRC="js1.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT>
  <SCRIPT SRC="js2.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT>


echo "<SCRIPT SRC='(getenv("document_root")."/js1.js")' 
echo "<SCRIPT SRC='(getenv("document_root")."/js2.js")'  

hope this takes care of some of your issues.


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