If you just want the number of seconds in each month then ...

function SecondsInMonth($month, $year)
{       return mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1, 1, $year) - mktime(0,0,0,$month, 1,

... works, although you may need to play around with the is_dst parameter to
fine tune it.

Tim ward
www.chessish.com <http://www.chessish.com> 

        Sent:  30 May 2002 04:37
        To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:  Month Values in UNIX timestamps and workaround(Newbie)

        I began to write a function that correctly diveded up the months
into their correct UNIX timestamps and wrote content from a database
        I have had an idea that maybe eaiser to implement but slower. Could
one or two people tell me what the think and if it is a good idea. I am also
interested in speed and efficiany of both methods.
        The original method is:
        I do a few maths functions to get the value in seconds of each month
        New Method:
        I do string compares with with dates then convert them to UNIX
        JJ Harrison
        www.tececo.com <http://www.tececo.com> 

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