Hi Mike!

Mike wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am very confused. This script that I have been working on for a while
> is giving me a hard time...
> $string = "Current song: 01. DJ Nightflight - The first flight (original
> \
> mix) (D I G I T A L L Y - I M P O R T E D - European Trance, Techno,
> Hi-\
> NRG... we can't define it!)";
> if(substr($string,0,1) = "C"){

You have to use "==" instead of "="

>       print "made it past substr!<br>\n";
>       $TrackName = trim(substr($string,strpos($string,".")+1));
> }
> The problem is that it never gets past the substr in the if(...)
> statement, therefore never setting $TrackName.
> I am really lost on what to do, any help would be appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Mike

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