Bård Magnus Fauske wrote:
> But when I print the result from pg_fetch_result() to the browser (last 
> lines above), I only get the first letter in the string $fornavn[$i] and 
> similar strings not listed above, not the whole string. What is the 
> reason for this? Has it something to do with the pg_last_oid()? I can't 
> see how since this only identify the inserted row (or am I wrong?) which 
> I select afterwards.
> Thanks for answer.

This is not a direct answer.

Since you are using 4.2.0 or later, you are better to use
pg_status() or pg_result_status() to check these things.

i.e. You don't have to select row just to make sure
row is inserted or not. It wastes lots of resource.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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