  this will be possible with ZE2 (check out the Zend site for more info)

Jeroen Olthof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi,
> let's say I have made some objects
> $content = new Content();
> and in object content a new object is created
> $person = new Person("Jeroen");
> Person holds a var age
> Now I want to do something like this in a normal PHP script
> echo $content->getPerson("Jeroen")->getAge();
> or since PHP doesn't use private / prublic / etc..
> echo $content->getPerson("Jeroen")->age;
> the point is , getPerson("Jeroen") returns an object. this object contains
> the function getAge() which return the var age
> but somehow this constuction isn't possible !!!! ????? Why !!!!
> ....... or is it but is there a strange syntax ????
> kind regards
> Jeroen Olthof

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