
On 05/20/2002 04:46 AM, Richard Baskett wrote:
> I wrote this email to the php Archive list and I would like to get your
> opinions on it.. Thanks! :)
> "Is there any way that we could get the archives password protected?  Apple
> does a nice thing where they tell you the username and password to login and
> the whole purpose of it is so that email harvesters can not go through and..
> Well.. Harvest our emails from the list :)  I think a lot of people would
> not mind having something like this added to the pages since my guess is
> that we're all sick and tired of spam and junkmail and eliminating one
> possible garden for harvesters would be nice :)  I am going to email this to
> the list also to see what kind of feedback comes from it."

I use anti-email harvesting techniques in my sites but that works 
because in HTML you can do more things than with plain text. The problem 
is that these lists are stored in text. So, only when you display the 
lists in HTML pages the protection has any effect.

If is that what you mean, I can explain what I do.


Manuel Lemos

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