Brent Clark wrote:

Hi all

Ive been try for sometime now, and too tried googling for an answer, to grab the 
STDOUT of a command.
In this case the binary command is readbar
The general output of readbar executed on its own is as so:
    Code 39->10005802
    IATA 2 of 5->2
    IATA 2 of 5->8
    1 barcodes found

I basically need to grab this output.

Does anyone know how to send this to an array or varible.

You want to try shell_exec:

I haven't used readbar, but if it returns plain text then PHP should be able to get the return result, like:

$result = shell_exec('readbar');

Some things to consider though: do you want your webserver to have permission to execute shell commands? This COULD be a security risk, so be careful - watch your permissions. Another option is to run the readbar command from the command line and then pipe the result to PHP. I don't really know what you're trying to do here so I can't give better advice than that.

I too have tried the passthru function.

Kind Regards and thanks to anyone that can help
Brent Clark

$dirfile = opendir("/var/www/html/davies/Scanned");
while(($row = readdir($dirfile)) == TRUE){
if($row != "." && $row != ".." && (substr($row,0,4) == "scan")){
$filearray[] = $row;
if($row == True){

        foreach($filearray as $var => $key){
                system("/usr/sbin/readbar $key 2>%1");


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