The New Source schrieb:
> How can I get a certain line from a file?
> If I get a file in this way:
> $f = fopen("","r";); 
> How can I get a certain line of the file index.htm?
> I would need to get the line number 232, or lines from 232 to 238. How can I get 
>this content?
> Thanx.
> Rodrigo

  $fp=fopen("";, "r");
  // go to line 232
  fseek($fp, $fromline);
  // how many lines to read ?
  // read the lines
  while (!feof($fp) && $i<$numlines) {
    $str[$i]=fgets($fp, $maxlength); // read line into Array
    $i++; // next line
  // now all lines from 232 till 238 are in the array $str[]

 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
\/  ------------------------------------------------------
()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
||  why the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.

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