"Richard Ellerbrock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> $result=mysql_query("DELETE FROM customer
>                         WHERE customer=$cust",
> $ds) and
> $result=mysql_query("DELETE FROM custinfo
>                         WHERE customer=$cust",
> $ds) and
> $result=mysql_query("DELETE FROM revdns
>                         WHERE customer=$cust",
> $ds) and
> AuditLog($ds, sprintf(my_("User %s deleted customer cust %u"),
>          $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $cust));

Note: you had better do a thorough job of validating $cust, lest someone
pass something charming like

$cust = '39428 or customer > 0';

which might be enough to make your whole *week* interesting.

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